Cureing LR


Ok one of my sister's friends parents went to Hawii and brought back some LR (some how, some way didn't get caught by customs
) and it sat out on their front porch for 2 days and they gave it to me. So now I've got it in a little tank out side so what do I do now?

salty cheese

Active Member
How was it shipped? by that I mean did they keep it wet when during transport and when it was sitting on the porch, because if the rock dried out it is no longer lr.
To cure lr all you need to do is put it in a container with a power head and heater, test the water every couple of days for ammonia till it reads zero.


uhh there was no water so i guess its completely dead now isnt it? well i guess ill still use it! lol its so pretty, but its all dead?


Active Member
Its dead. If you put real live rock in the same tank with it, the dead rock will turn into live rock over time again.


Well I have to cure it becuase it is covered in all these dead corals and stuff so... well ill send a pic


Active Member
You might want to clean some of the dead stuff off before you put in your tank cause it will create a nitrate and ammonia spike.


well i considered taking the dead stuff off cureing dont you? Nvm so how do you suppose i get the incrusted corals off?

salty cheese

Active Member
Where is the rock now? It should be in a container with some salt water curing, who knows you might get lucky and still have somethin still living on it.


I dont mean to steel the thread but I am curing some rock I just dont know if I am doing it right. I have the rocks in two 5 gallon buckets with airstones circulating the water. The first day it was smelling bad but after that is doesnt smell anymore. The buckets are in my back balcony and they dont have a water heater. Its pretty hot outside anyway. I do have the cover of the bucket just sitting on top of the bucket to keep the sun light out. Is this the proper way of doing it?