Cures ich...


New Member
I don't if any of have used this product; i just started to post here and i notcied the amount of threads that have to do with ich.
I had the same problem with ich and being that i have a reef tank; i couldn't use copper directly. So i went to pet-smart and found this product which worked out pretty good.
Its called: Kordon / Aquaherbals
ICH Attack 100% organic
Reef and Live rock safe.
Hopefully this help.


Welcome to the boards. I do not think you will get to many favorable responses. There are only 2 methods that are acceptable to cure ICH.
Not all fish can take copper so hyposalinty is the true answer.
ICH is an invert so how can a magical potion cure ICH but leave the beneficial bacteria alone?


Active Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
Welcome to the boards. I do not think you will get to many favorable responses. There are only 2 methods that are acceptable to cure ICH.
Not all fish can take copper so hyposalinty is the true answer.
Typical response. Why bother learning from someone else's experience?... just deny, deny, deny.
Originally Posted by myreef05

ICH is an invert so how can a magical potion cure ICH but leave the beneficial bacteria alone?
Just because you don't have the background in chemistry and biology to answer this question doesn't mean much.
Not to start an argument here but this type of response is very typical. The poster wanted to share an experience. Many people have shared good and bad experiences with these products. No reason to shoot down someone who is simply sharing an experience.


Active Member
Close examination of this product leaves me skeptical at best. It claims to be a broad spectrum treatment to prevent and cure single celled infections, curing and combating fungal infections, in both fresh and salt water, while being 100% reef safe....
Understand that Ich has a life cycle. It will drop off of your fish. So it may look like it is gone but still be in your tank.

mr. limpid

Active Member
I have used it to cure a hippo tang with ick. I followed the instructions with no luck. My lfs told me to double the dosage and then it worked. He also told me this product was a tea extract. Good Luck
If you can in a QT tank do hippo for sure will get rid of ick and leave your DT tank void of fish 6-8 weeks.


use KICKich. i used it on a tang and it was gone in three days. it wont do anything to your corals either (not sure about sps), but any zoas, rics, or rare lps will do fine.


New Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
Welcome to the boards. I do not think you will get to many favorable responses. There are only 2 methods that are acceptable to cure ICH.
Not all fish can take copper so hyposalinty is the true answer.
ICH is an invert so how can a magical potion cure ICH but leave the beneficial bacteria alone?

So far so good.
I finished using the treatment;I'll post a follow-up in the next couple days to
see how good it works...


New Member
Originally Posted by myreef05
Welcome to the boards. I do not think you will get to many favorable responses. There are only 2 methods that are acceptable to cure ICH.
Not all fish can take copper so hyposalinty is the true answer.
ICH is an invert so how can a magical potion cure ICH but leave the beneficial bacteria alone?

Looking forward to contributing to the message board..


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmflex
So far so good.
I finished using the treatment;I'll post a follow-up in the next couple days to
see how good it works...

That's not the real test... Ich has a life cycle. It does not stay permantely on your fish.
The real test will be to practice proper QT procedures from now on and post 5 years from now that your display tank has been Ich free for all of those years.
If it has the medicine worked.
One of the myths about Ich is that it is present in all marine aquariums. That is not the case.


Originally Posted by gmflex
I don't if any of have used this product; i just started to post here and i notcied the amount of threads that have to do with ich.
I had the same problem with ich and being that i have a reef tank; i couldn't use copper directly. So i went to pet-smart and found this product which worked out pretty good.
Its called: Kordon / Aquaherbals
ICH Attack 100% organic
Reef and Live rock safe.
Hopefully this help.
I used this product before and to my experience the Stop Parasite is working better for me.


New Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's not the real test... Ich has a life cycle. It does not stay permantely on your fish.
The real test will be to practice proper QT procedures from now on and post 5 years from now that your display tank has been Ich free for all of those years.
If it has the medicine worked.
One of the myths about Ich is that it is present in all marine aquariums. That is not the case.

This is my first problem with Ich since i had my reef tank.
the pic on my avatar is actually my tank..


Well-Known Member
I wrote to Novalek about "Ich Attack" asking about published evidence of its efficacy. In their response the indicated that nothing had been published, that all of the scientific evidence was obtained through in-house studies, and that a patent had been issued. This was disappointing to me since other products they produce, like Amquel + do have published scientific support and well known mechanisms of action. Napthoquinones, the active class of ingredients they claim to have in their extract, are generally known to have anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti parasitic actions (for example, specific ones are used to treat malaria). However, they don't give the specific napthoquinones in Ich Attack, nor do they give the concentration, so it is impossible to tell how effective this product will be. My feeling is that copper and hypo have worked 100% of the time I have used them, so I'm not looking to take chances on an unproven product. When I see proof, then I'll consider changing.