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Ok now I am confused. Should I add the conch and the blue legs now after my w/c? How will a w/c help my calcium?
Sadly Jacques our cleaner shrimp passed away sometime in the night. I dont know what killed him. He was fully intact. I suspect it was Fats or the water parameters but cannot be sure. I added the BioSpira and more calcium stuff last night to bring it up, could that have done it?
Again, I do NOT want to add any more live creatures/corals only to lose them if my water isnt right! Is it safe to add the Conch and the blue legs now???
I am going to my lfs to buy premixed salt water and do a w/c with that today.
Sorry if I confused you.
When you asked " I should be able to safely add about a dozen more Blue Legs and a couple Conchs next week. Is this ok?"
I was only commenting on the numbers that your tank is capable of sustaining. (it can probably handle more than a dozen blue legs, but I think a dozen is enough as a start)
You should not add anything more live until the parameters are good.
A water change will raise your calcium, because new water should have more calcium in it than 340. If it does not, you should look into a different salt mix.