Curing a lot of Rock - Few Questions


Active Member
No, don't add anything until your ammonia and nitrite are zero.
Don't get discouraged... when it all gets going you will find SO many pleasures in this.... and a new group of friends :)


Originally Posted by Lorene
Ok now I am confused. Should I add the conch and the blue legs now after my w/c? How will a w/c help my calcium?
Sadly Jacques our cleaner shrimp passed away sometime in the night. I dont know what killed him. He was fully intact. I suspect it was Fats or the water parameters but cannot be sure. I added the BioSpira and more calcium stuff last night to bring it up, could that have done it?
Again, I do NOT want to add any more live creatures/corals only to lose them if my water isnt right! Is it safe to add the Conch and the blue legs now???
I am going to my lfs to buy premixed salt water and do a w/c with that today.
Sorry if I confused you.
When you asked " I should be able to safely add about a dozen more Blue Legs and a couple Conchs next week. Is this ok?"
I was only commenting on the numbers that your tank is capable of sustaining. (it can probably handle more than a dozen blue legs, but I think a dozen is enough as a start)
You should not add anything more live until the parameters are good.
A water change will raise your calcium, because new water should have more calcium in it than 340. If it does not, you should look into a different salt mix.


Originally Posted by dedecv3
I picked up about 400 lbs of LR from a guy who broke down a large set up. I used 100 lbs or so for my self& the rest has been dried for about 3 weeks. I've been trying to sell it on CL dry but everyone who has contacted me wants it cured. I have a 300 gallon rubbermaid I can cure it in but I have a few questions as to what all is REQUIRED during the curing process...
Does the water HAVE to be heated??
What salinity level (if any) is necessary??
Do calcium & alkalinity levels have any effect on the curing process??
How much flow??
I am trying to do this as cheap as possible so I am basically trying to find out what is necessary.
What do you want for uncured rock? I'll buy uncured.... I am interested


Originally Posted by dedecv3
I picked up about 400 lbs of LR from a guy who broke down a large set up. I used 100 lbs or so for my self& the rest has been dried for about 3 weeks. I've been trying to sell it on CL dry but everyone who has contacted me wants it cured. I have a 300 gallon rubbermaid I can cure it in but I have a few questions as to what all is REQUIRED during the curing process...
Does the water HAVE to be heated??
What salinity level (if any) is necessary??
Do calcium & alkalinity levels have any effect on the curing process??
How much flow??
I am trying to do this as cheap as possible so I am basically trying to find out what is necessary.
I'll buy uncured rock? How much u selling for?