curing confusion


The more I research I do the more confused I LR should be here this week so I've gotta figure this out :eek: Should I do water changes to control the ammonia and preserve any critters while curing? I appreciate all of your help - my inquiring mind never rests....


Thanks - I'm going to keep the new LR in a holding tank and do frequent water changes until all params are 0 - is this the best idea?


Active Member
...My previous posts assumes it is coming via Fed Ex. If purchased from you LFS then you should not have die-off...assuming they have had the LR for a couple weeks.


Active Member
1. Place the live rock in a new 30-gallon plastic garbage can. Consider adding bottom drains to the container to speed draining and water changes.
2. Completely cover the rock with freshly mixed saltwater, with a specific gravity of 1.021 - 1.025
3. Provide a heater and keep the water temperature near 80 degrees to speed die off.
4. Create constant water movement with a power head or air stone.
5. Keep the area dimly lit to prevent algae blooms.
6. Perform 100% water changes twice weekly.
7. Scrub the rock with a new nylon bristle brush or toothbrush between water changes to remove any white film or dead material.
Most rock will be fully cured in 1- 3 weeks, at which time it is safe to add to the display aquarium.


Active Member
I lived dangerously and added 45 pounds in my 55 as soon as it arrived via Fed spike and all fish survived. Maybe I was lucky:D


I have had some people tell me not to do a water change at all when curing LR they way it was explained above. I think it is like anything though, different people have different opinions on how do do it. The explained way above should definitely work. I have just been told you can do it that same way and not do a water change. You just test until everything is at 0 then you are good to put it in your tank. :D