Curing live rock for the first time


New Member
I'm starting a new tank (as of yesterday) and went to the LFS for some live rock - I got some live rock that was 'almost' cured, but figured it could finish curing while the tank is cycling since it's a new setup. ANYHOW, the tank now stinks and the water is cloudy. Is this a normal part of the curing/cycling process or ???? I'm doing water changes like crazy, and everything on the tank (meaning filtration system, powerheads, etc..) are running. Again, I just set this up yesterday, but I'm just wanting to know if it's normal for it to smell and if it's normal for the water to not be as clear as it should be????
This is only my second sw tank (my first one was all ready established - so I didn't really have much to 'set up' just maintain)
Thanks for your help!!!
Oh yeah, almost forgot....nitrate and ammonia levels are spiked - obviously


Active Member
yeah it is totally normal to have cloudy stinky water while your live rock is curing. unless you ammonia gets above 1.0 i wouldn't do water changes like crazy. only do water changes to lower your ammonia. do you have a test kit and are you testing your water?


New Member
Yes, I am testing the water and keeping a close eye on it. Thanks a bunch for your reply! I just wanted to make sure that the smell and cloudiness was normal. Thanks again!!!


Active Member
Welcome to the board!
If the rock really stinks it wasn't "nearly" cured like they sold it to you. Sounds like you did the smart thing by adding it to your tank before you got any livestock.
Agree on the water changes. No need for them unless ammonia starts creeping up near 1ppm. Understand, though, that by adding uncured rock you've basically started your cycle over. Test it and watch for a Nitrite spike and then zeroing out.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Welcome to the board!
If the rock really stinks it wasn't "nearly" cured like they sold it to you. Sounds like you did the smart thing by adding it to your tank before you got any livestock.
Agree on the water changes. No need for them unless ammonia starts creeping up near 1ppm. Understand, though, that by adding uncured rock you've basically started your cycle over. Test it and watch for a Nitrite spike and then zeroing out.
Yeah, I agree with 1journeyman, that rock was no where near cured! I just cured 66lbs and no smell or cloudyness (and this was uncured rock) The ammonia can spike higher than 1. Mine got near 8 and was back down in about a week. The color is beautifull on it. You will only drive yourself nuts if there is that much die off and you try to keep it under one. Your rock will still look nice if it spikes higher. If it is stinking then you will probably have to do many water changes before it is fully cured. Once ammonia and nitrite read a steady zero for a week or so then it is safe to add your cleanup crew. Be ready for the nitrate spike, it will be big after all of the ammonia and nitrite have broken down, so water changes will be needed then as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
.... The ammonia can spike higher than 1. Mine got near 8 and was back down in about a week. The color is beautifull on it. You will only drive yourself nuts if there is that much die off and you try to keep it under one. Your rock will still look nice if it spikes higher.
True. However, ammonia over 1ppm is toxic to everything in your tank and live rock (including bacteria). You'll kill your worms, pods, bacteria, etc. with ammonia higher than 1ppm.
There was a great thread on here somewhere about curing live rock. It may be under the archives.
Basically, with uncured rock, get a stiff tooth brush and scrub the rock good to get rid of dead material. That will greatly assist in keeping decay down.


It doesnt sound like it was cured if your water is that bad, but thats fine, it'll get your cycle going. Throw in a piece of shrimp to get some bacteria goin, then check your levels in 2-3 weeks, they should be getting normal by then.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BizzMoneyB
It doesnt sound like it was cured if your water is that bad, but thats fine, it'll get your cycle going. Throw in a piece of shrimp to get some bacteria goin, then check your levels in 2-3 weeks, they should be getting normal by then.
No shrimp needed as the rock is providing the source for ammonia. Adding a shrimp now would make things worse by providing more ammonia.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
No shrimp needed as the rock is providing the source for ammonia. Adding a shrimp now would make things worse by providing more ammonia.
Arent you adding the shrimp to introduce bacteria to the tank? Not ammonia..


Active Member
Originally Posted by BizzMoneyB
Arent you adding the shrimp to introduce bacteria to the tank? Not ammonia..


I had the same problem with the horrible smelling rock.I was told to put some black charcoal stuff (HELP ME OUT WITH THE RIGHT NAME) into my wet/dry filter and that did the trick.