Curing live rock


Active Member
So I am going to cure my liverock that i have ordered from Yay!!! Since I have to cycle my tank anyways...
Can I cure the rock in the tank??
When should I add the shrimp??
Its funny how fast you forget some of this stuff. lol


It's fine to cure the rock during cycle but if I'm not mistaken if you are curing the rock in the main tank that will get the cycle going...


Originally Posted by bpro32
It's fine to cure the rock during cycle but if I'm not mistaken if you are curing the rock in the main tank that will get the cycle going...

Correct. Curing the LR in the tank will run the cycle. Monitor the ammonia levels, if it goes above 1, do a water change to get it at or below 1. No need for a shrimp with this method.

justin podolan

I cured my rock in the tank at set up, with the cycle.
Just make sure you have your skimmer running.


Active Member
So I think that I am a little confused.
I put the rock in the tank.
Run the filters and skimmers
Scrape the rock off.... and it will start a cycle???
Will it cause a big enough ammonia spike to start the cycle??
I guess I am a person that really needs to understand things before I do them.
Once the ammonia spikes then I get it. I bought the 45lbs of tukani rock from So with the die off it will cause the ammonia to spike.
When will this happen using this method??
What if my ammonia never reaches 1.0?
I appreciate the help. I usually do the shrimp business, but this time since I am buying so much rock at once I figured I would give this way a shot.
Thank you!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Leopard_babe
So I think that I am a little confused.
I put the rock in the tank.
Run the filters and skimmers
Scrape the rock off.... and it will start a cycle???
Will it cause a big enough ammonia spike to start the cycle??Yes the die off that is on the rock will start the cycle.
I guess I am a person that really needs to understand things before I do them.
Once the ammonia spikes then I get it. I bought the 45lbs of tukani rock from So with the die off it will cause the ammonia to spike.
When will this happen using this method?? Should start to see the ammonia start in no longer than a week I would think, maybe sooner if uncured rock, maybe later if cured.
What if my ammonia never reaches 1.0?that is okay, but you do want to keep it below 1 (I like .75 myself if your test will read that low)
I appreciate the help. I usually do the shrimp business, but this time since I am buying so much rock at once I figured I would give this way a shot.
Thank you!!
HTH a little