Curing Rock in Tank

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
I am about to start a 55 Gallon Tank, and am going to cure the rock 45lbs. in the tank. My question is, do i do water changes, do i take the rock out periodically and scrub it??? What exactly do i do, i am clueless?


Hi, and Welcome...
If you are going to cycle the LR (live rock) with your new tank, I would not suggest taking it out periodically at all...When you first get the rock, yes, give it a rinse/wash/scrub, to make sure there are no unwanted "hitch hikers" on it, such as mantis shrimp, etc..Plus if it is being shipped, there is certain to be excess die-off, which will just add more pollutants to the tank.
Do not do any water changes while you are trying to cycle...You can add deionized/or/distilled water to top off any evaporation.
You need to cycle a tank that size for at least 4-6 weeks, and if at all possible,keep a log of your water test results..
When all starts to balance out, AND stays at a acceptable level, your tank has completed its cycle..
What type of substrate are you planning on LS (live sand) or CC (crushed Coral)
If you dont mind, I's really suggest using sand VS CC...CC tends to trap a lot of unwanted debris, and will tend to keep your nitrates High,,
Also, just throw a pc of raw or cooked shrimp in the tank, that will help will the cycle process..I personally do not believe in using Damsels or any other fish in cycling a tank,,but everyone has their own opinion on that subject..
I hope I was of some help to you, sorry the post is so long...If you have any other questions,dont hesitate to ask, almost everyone here is very helpful..GL with your new tank, you'll love it..
~Susie ;)

nm reef

Active Member
The only thing I'd add is that if this is a 45 lb box of un-cured LR I would remove any obviously dead material from the rock prior to placing it in the system. Personally I think cycling a new system with un-cured LR is a very good idea. I wouldn't be overly concerned about cleaning the LR and I definitely would not do any water changes until after the cycle was complete and the system was stable.
I added 45 lbs of un-cured LR to my 55 reef during the third week of its initial cycle...took a bit longer to cycle but it was well worth the wait. :cool:
We have cycled 3 tanks now with LR. Got the rock and added it the 2nd day the tank was set up. Ordered cured LR online, there was some die off is shipping but not a tremendous amount. We rinsed the rock briskly in SW before putting into the tank. We ran power heads and a protien skimmer for the cycle. Tanks cycled in about 3 weeks, we did tests daily because I did not want to miss the cycle. HTH
A&M Aggie...I go to Tech (sorry for the side conversation everyone). I worked at A&M for 2 years before coming to Lubbock in July 01. Got an AIM screen name?