Curious about a Nano Cube


New Member
My son ran across this add for a Fan-Cooled Nano Cube. It features 2 canopy fans for cooler operation. Includes filteration, lighting and circulation. 3-stage mechanical, chemical and bio filteration. 24-watt compact fluorescent lighting. submersible 106 gph pump. Would this work for some live rock and such? It is a 12 gallon tank.


You would be better off to just find the nano cube DX. It is the same other than it has 48 watts of lighting, and thats enough to keep LR and some simples soft corals and mushrooms.


New Member
Thank you for your time. I will have my son do some research on that. Would it be possible and less expensive to make his own? He is very good with electricity.
How about a sump? Would he have to have one on a small tank?


Active Member
I would be very carefull when tinkering with lighting, regular florescent lighting will not suffice, do a search for Power Compacts.
A sump is a good idea for a place to put equipment and will help in the stability of your system but is not required.
Do a search to find out how to "cycle" your tank which can take a month or more(Always go slow...only bad things happen quickly)


I dont think you would save any money doing the lighting. the DX isnt that much more expensive. and a sump isnt necessary. I have the same tank, just ask if you have any more ?.


New Member
Thank you so much! We are doing lots of research yet but I'm sure we will have lots more questions!


New Member
The filtration system is "hidden". Is that what you are talking about? The space where that is?


Active Member
yeah kinda, like, it has a compartment for macro algaes and stuff, a compartment for live rock rubble, and a compartm,ent for the heater and it has the filter


New Member
Yeah, that's it. :yes: My son is still researching and I think I will tell him to come here to ask questions if you all don't mind!