Current & clownfish


I just got 2 ocellaris clowns yesterday. They spend 90% of the day swimming in front of my Koralia nano PH. But they stay away from my koralia 2. They are not really exploring the rest of the tank. Is this normal, or are they just feeling nervous still?


Active Member
They're probably a little nervous, but they'll come around.
Clowns... aren't smart. Powerhead surfing isn't unknown.
What size is the tank, and what else is in it?


LOL, It's a 29 gallon. I have a hermits, snails, a cleaner shrimp, an emerald crab, and an orange spotted watchman goby. They are better this afternoon, swimming around a lot more. My husband said he thinks they're ditzy.


My clowns did that since I got them a couple of weeks ago, up until today that was the first time they've been swimming more towards the middle of the tank


my clowns do it as well pretty normal behavor but keep an eye on them because it could be a sign of them trying to shake off parisites or they just want to get a little exercise


Active Member
My clown did that for a few days and as soon as I bought another one they swam all around the tank. I think he was nervous and lonely.