cushion between tank & stand


I read in one book that u should but a thin cushion between the tank and the stand. Does anybody have one in between theres. I Picked up a 90g tank today. and if I put anything between the tank and stand it would be very noticable. Just wanted to get a couple ideas before I put anything in the tank. And make sure I put saftey before apperance.
Thanks in advance.


The only real reason to add this cushion would be that you stand is not close enough to level.Yes it can be done but if your stand is level then there is no need. Others do add this foam for insulation in very prolonged cold areas but with the pumps and lighting and heaters available there is no real need. The only way to hide it would be to get a stand with a lip around it to cover it up or to add one if possible. Just be carefull not to nail into the tank. I know of one person that lost the whole tank when he nailed through the bottom of a 500 gal one.