custom 1300g to 1400g saltwater tank need some help


Active Member
Originally Posted by brightblood
look i know its going to cost im sure preatty penny but no houndred thousand dollors. and i am 21 years old and been around saltwater fish tanks since i got my first one when i was 12 i started out with a 30 gallon fish only. and when i moved to my moms when i was 16 my uncle gave me a 250 gallon that i turned into a fish and live rock tank never had a reef tank though but i do take care of them at the pet shop i work at and have worked at since i was 18. PS the only reason they have saltwater is becosue of me the owner is stupid when it comes this stuff just becouse im new to the website dont mean that im new to saltwater fish tanks i live in a small town were saltwater fish were only seen in the ocean maybe 3 or 4 keepers around here before i introdused saltwater to my LFS and right now i have a 75 gallon had to down grade becouse were i live at.witch is going to be turned into my first home reef tank onces i get a nother 200+ gallon tank for my fish thats in the tank at the moment. my wife wonts a reef tank so i promised her she could have the 75 gallon to start it with and ill help her build up her tank. but i am moving out here in the next 6 or 7 months and that will be when i start on my FISH ROOM!!! witch will prob be a heated basment were the monster fish tank will start to be built. im not going to do this in a day i know it will take me a long time and a lot of hard work but i have to get everything down pat first before i even start. graghs, blue prints, estaments on money it will consume over the next 2 years to create this tank, and the fuiltraion, and heating of a large tank witch is the reason why i asked the question i did to day its not like i can go out on the street and get exp from some one with such a large tank here were i live becosue no one has one. that i know of so. but dont think im going to rush into this build i know that the key to a perfect saltwater tank is time and im going to put a lot into this build im not saying im going to do it right here and now but i will promise each and everyone of you keep your eyes open becosue there will be a post on this website of the build once i get started with pictures diagrams you name it ill put it one here for everyone to see and even fallow if they like. and i know about glass and acrlic it wont be my fist time with exp with the stuff my father tought me a lot about it he works in construction and he has cut and shaped glass for windows and things like that he is going to help me on the build and my uncle works on boats so i tink of it like this if he can keep water out im sure he can keep water in to same conseption on that am i wrong? i know what ways a lot i know i know im sut talking about the sealing of hte tank and stuff and im going to use aqua safe epoxys and selicone so. im not saying im the smartest person on this fourm are i adveasly wouldent be asking any of your advise but im not a newbie at saltwater fish neather. sut dont critasize me plz i would reallylike the back up on this build and info i need so i dont screw up and basicly mack a large tank that holds over 1000 gallons of water for no reason becouse i know this will take money and lot of it and thats somthing thats not to be wasted in this world right now so i am going to make sure i get every signle thing down pat before i but such a infestment into play
Where's the Tylenol?


If you can't take the time to proof read your posts then how are you going to be able to have the patience to build this tank? You will find a lot more help if you make your responses easy to understand and read.
Plus I fully agree with AquaKnight, with the large investment this tank is going to take I would consider getting an engineered design of some sort with professional help. Just my opinion.
Good Luck


New Member
Originally Posted by IbanEz
He might be dyslexic because my three year old can spell better than that.
actually i am dyslexic do to a heat stroke when i was 3 from a fever but im not stupid and im sry i dident proof read i dont have much time to post and when i do its usually 3 or 4 in the morning and i get right back up and at a long day a gain.
i understand that tanks take time and i dont know why i said that about my uncle he dose build boats but not even close to the same. i aint trying to make everyone upset are anything and i understand the work that goes with such a thing but its like this im the type of person that when i set my mind to something i don't give up and i know patients trust me i take care of my elderly family thats why im not capable of starting this build right now. and i dont think i know it all trust me but im willing to learn all i can thats why im here on this forum trying to get advise from the ones that have done this so longs its basically life to them but like i say over and over im not going to rush into this thing i have thought it through and still thinking and will think and think on it till my head about explodes with the info i need to do such a thing.
i actuly have a plan on how im going to build the tank now though so and its only going to be around 1000 gallons i down sized a little 1000g is big enough for me and like i said in a earlier post this will take me 2 or 3 years to do but trust me i will do it no matter were it goes its going to be done because one i kinda wanting to learn to build tanks and maybe use it in a pet store that i wont to open of my own one day i wont to learn this to go along with the other ideas i have to help ppl out by cutting out the middle man so go figure but this is my dream and a dream i will MAKE COME TRUE. no matter if it breaks me down so bad that i cant bare it. i was always told that if i set my mind to it i can do anything. and this is were im going to take that and put it in play.


Active Member
What do you do for a living just out of curiosity? If you're 21 I'm assuming you're still in college...
Not to be a dream-crusher, but you're easily looking at $20K + minimum.


We'll sorry to hear about your bad fortune. I hope you are able to fulfill your dreams. It is just hard for some of us in this hobby to believe that a 21 year old could afford and maintain a tank like that. It isn't just the initial set up costs. Say you did 10 percent water change a week. That is 130 gallons. That is a 50 dollar bucket of sand a week, plus the ro filters needing to be changed every 3 to 6 months. Plus lighting for a tank that big, unless you do fish only with live rock, could cause several hundred a month in electricity, plus replacing bulbs and ballasts regularly. Plus the cost of fish, fish food, and medication, and other additives. The electricity from pumps, a heater. The heater bill would be astronomical. I have seen tanks like this in business, that have large amounts of resources, but for an individual, a large task.


New Member
i work at a pet store at the moment and get everything i need to maintain my tank for little to nothing pluse i know the owner so even if i dident i can order things i need for what he pays for them a 40 pound bag of sand only cost me 10 bucks and if he has it over stocked i get it for free. since i work under the table and get payed cash he lets me have what i need if he has to much of it. the price of maintenance for me wont be as much as the normal price would be were i have the connection. and im not worried about him going out of business to soon since he is wealthy and is stores bring in bookoos of bucks around here oh i also can get up to 2 normal cost fish a month are save up and get a extremely costly fish of my choice so. but its not the money part im extremely worried about its the way the tank will be built and as fare as money goes im getting a small fortune here soon enough ill give it about a another year before i get it and that will be when i will blow this build out the roof and that will also be when i start the building of my own pet store. so


Well the electric bill is whats going to cost you. I have a 300 gallon tank and it cost a decent amount a month. I would look into a similar size tank as mine or a 500 gallon at the max. Im like you young and learning this hobby by the day. Keep doing your research and you will get to your dream tank one day.