custom acrylic tank?


I'm looking to get an acrylic tank made to fit a corner in my apartment, the area is 36 inches long, and 24 inches from front to back. I figured a maximum height of 18 inches (which I gather is the maximum you want to go before you need to consider lighting issues.
Has anyone worked with, or does anyone know of an individual or a company that makes and ships custom sized aquariums out of acrylic. I am not comfortable doing a diy for this, so dont even suggest it!
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
An internet search for acrylic tanks will result in many options. Also, all of the fish magazines carry ads.
Good Luck!


Not confortable about doing it yourself. Im the same way even though I could do it. I layed down a ceramic floor in my kitchen. It came out 99.9%perfect, there was one small inperfection in it and it drives me absoulutely nuts. Mabee Im just a little obsesive/compulsive.........I haven't started to wash my hands 20 time a day yet.:p


Active Member
Hey krux I build and use my own acrylic tanks, and I could even ship up to you cheap. I'm all out of acrylic right now. I'll call my supplier on monday and give you a quote for a 36X24X18(67g). It usually takes me a couple of hours so I could have it to you quick.


Active Member
It really depends on my plastic guy here in town. His rates fluctaute based on how much scrap he gets off his really big construction orders. Sometimes he has enough laying around and can give it to me for free, and sometimes he has none and I have to pay the big bucks$$$ but I will let you know for sure tomorrow. For the guys(or gals) on this board I will not charge much of a mark up.


Active Member
by the way when I say scrap, I don't literally mean garbage scrap scratched up junk. It still has the rown protective paper on it when I get it, It's just the left over stuff from what he has cut for them.


do you have an idea of how much it would cost? i know glass cages has them for $300 (60x24x25). I am in no hurry, so I can just wait till you get some free scrap if that's possible :D thanks.
Hey bronco is they anyway you can build a custom sump or even explain how you make them . Iwould like to build a custom one for my 300 gal tank.


Active Member
Hey seraphan mage I would be happy to do either. I have made sumps, fuges, and as I like to call them sumpfugiums. It all depends on how big you want to go, and what you want to do. I have a 55g glass, and acrylic sumpfugium out in my storage room right now. Shoot me an email @ LEt me know what you are thinking of doing , what size, and what price range. I can tell you how to do it, or give you a quote to build you one.


Active Member
I can tell you I probably won't be able to match that price....because those are glass. Acrlic is a bit more expensive, but like I said earlier I will get with my guiy here in town, and if he has a bunch of acrylic I might be able to get it pretty close or lower than that price. I'll post again tonight after I talk to him.


Active Member
Krux I can build your tank for $280 plus shipping, that does not include overflows and standpipes, I can do those for you but will cost a lillte extra. 2Jz I could build your 150 but.....not at a competitive price. The acrylic alone will cost me 524.48. I've seen them online for 590.00 with out shipping. :(