Custom tank


I am very interested in making a very large tank. My planning is at the begining and was trying to work out a good size and cost. I just wanted to know if I would be better to go with the acryilic or glass. I was thinking of around 1000L. So any suggestions on glass thickness. The dimensions, 10ft*2*2.


Active Member
10x2x2 that is a pretty short and thin tank dont you think, what do you want to put in it? Yuo could possibly decrease the length by a couple of feed and add it to width and height


I would like to have a larger tank to have a greater assortment of fish, bigger is better. I had it so long and narrow because I want a longer tank and keep the cost down. Does 8*3*2ft sound better. Its bigger then 10*2*2 but would cost the same, 6.12m^2. So I can get some prices, what glass thickness, or would I definitely need arcylic.


For that size tank I would go with acrylic. More because of the weight of it. Like golfish said with a glass tank it will take 5 guys to move it. For thickness maybe 3/4 on the acrylic and 1" for glass.


Glenn, since you build custom tanks and hoods I'll defer to your knowledge but I've always understood that glass thickness is more dependent on height than length or width. Properly braced shouldn't a 2 foot high tank be more than safe using 1/2"? I'm really interested because my tank is 30" high x 6' x 2' and a wood/glass hybrid. The glass store that I'm ordering my "portal" from insisted that 1/2" would be fine, that they build tanks that high all the time with 1/2". Mind you, they sell 3/4" which is what I first asked them about and they said I'd be more than safe with 1/2", not to mention the 125 or so extra pounds of the 3/4". Thanks for your input.
Later, Paul