Cut n Run?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Hey you can't blame her for fighting dirty sometimes -- it's usually 4-5 like minded people going against her. El Guano, you haven't exactly been a model citizen around here either and I think you are a hypocrite for pointing anyone out.
Did you really mean to type "El Guano"???? like saying he's bat poopy??? Wow. Name calling is easy on that side, eh?
I was really trying to stay out of this thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Did you really mean to type "El Guano"???? like saying he's bat poopy??? Wow. Name calling is easy on that side, eh?
I was really trying to stay out of this thread.
Must have a been a freudian slip


Active Member
Man! I'm a newbie here, but the guy who told me to check this site out said if I was smart, to stay out of the Aquarium forum. Now I see what he means. It's interesting that when I read the threads in the other forums here (which I assumed was what this site is all about), I see a totally different demeanor, attitude, and thought process by the same people who posts these meaningless, hateful, and thoughtless threads in this 'no holds barred' forum. I was always told you should never discuss politics, religion, or other personal matters amongst friends or fellow collegues. Now I see why....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I actually hope that you never experience a family tragedy. It really does hurt and it does change your life filter. Please excuse my filler and go straight to my meat. I don't actually have any potatoes to add.

Family tragedy, experienced it. I wasn't demeaning your tragedy. Just pointing out every lengthy post you make has a personal touch to in point the Iranian MD you just brought up...My point was You do make points, there is no need for all the personal life info to do that.
and both sides are guilty of mudslinging.....
Try this. If you were having a political discussion face to face with a person of opposite political affiliation would you use derogatory comments about the person's party, candidate, or view? Most wouldn't. I have never had one of my democratic friends call me a war-mongerer because I support the war and the preseident. None of the called me stupid or dumb for my view, they may have asked if I smoked crack or if I was crazy, but they never insulted me in the manner I see done here.
If you wouldn't say it to your friend or a stranger in front of you and truly mean it, then don't say it here. It is that simple.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Man! I'm a newbie here, but the guy who told me to check this site out said if I was smart, to stay out of the Aquarium forum. Now I see what he means. It's interesting that when I read the threads in the other forums here (which I assumed was what this site is all about), I see a totally different demeanor, attitude, and thought process by the same people who posts these meaningless, hateful, and thoughtless threads in this 'no holds barred' forum. I was always told you should never discuss politics, religion, or other personal matters amongst friends or fellow collegues. Now I see why....
Good folks however, can have a healthy disagreement in "the aquarium" and still help the same person they are arguing with, with their ick problem and why their nitrates are too high.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Of course you didn't. It's gone now and I am sure not many saw it anyway. No big. It's gone....
Suzy, I'm not going to let you try to play the roll of the martyr at my expense. I never said anything that would call into question your personal tragedy.
The other Mods can check edited posts. Feel free to ask them to review it. until then, knock off the false accusations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Really? You are not a teeny tiny bit ashamed of how we have acted the last 8 years?
I am looking to becoming a strong leader in the world community. A country proud of it's heritage that stands up for the principles we proclaim.
Waterboarding, torturing prisoners and showing it to the world, spying on our own citizens, joking about bombing other countries, ignoring our very being of what we are and what we stand for is not why I am proud of our country. I am proud because we will not be known around the world for those things anymore. We will become diplomatic leaders again, leaders that other countries want to aspire to be.
In the last 8 years:
*Given more aid to impoverished Nations than ever before
*Given more to AIDS relief than ever before
*Liberated 40+ million people
Yup, I'm proud.
We've waterboarded a grand total of 3 terrorists. Sorry, I've got no problem with that. Our Directors of Intelligence readily admit 30 seconds of waterboarding saved American lives.
As a Nation we did not "torture" anyone. We had several soldiers break the rules, post pics, and get court marshalled for it. As compared to the terorists that behead Americans and drag bodies through the streets while celebrating on video.
McCain did sing "bomb Iran". Pretty stupid. Obama said he would bomb Pakistan; which lead to rioting in our ally's country and Hillary said we could "obliterate" Iran. I think it's a wash.
The foreign surveillance bill, surprisingly, applies to foreigners
. I'm not aware of a single citizen who has been spied on, are you?
Keep saying the world hates us as Europe continues to vote in Pro-American governments...
The principles our Nation was founded on? Racism? Selling out Israel by calling them a "constant sore"? Negotiating with our enemies while they kill American soldiers? Gay rights? Abortion? Befriending Domestic Terrorists? Socializing huge chunks of our National economy?
What history books do you read? These are not the issues or positions our Nation was founded on. It's fine that you support Obama, that's what Democracy is all about. That said, let's be honest and not try to pretend that Obama is for traditional American values. He is not; nor is the Democratic party.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Yeah, right. McCain will "win", Obama will "CutNRUN". Got it. Heard you the last 40 x's.

Suzy, you're the one that compared McCain's speech to Obama's plan. Apparently you didn't hear it the last 40x's as they are diametrically opposed. That's what started this whole thread. You tried to say that McCain had called for a retreat from Iraq which is completely dishonest.
Let's discuss the issues in a positive way; Let's be truthful where the candidates stand and debate the issues truthfully.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Suzy, you're the one that compared McCain's speech to Obama's plan. Apparently you didn't hear it the last 40x's as they are diametrically opposed. That's what started this whole thread. You tried to say that McCain had called for a retreat from Iraq which is completely dishonest.
Let's discuss the issues in a positive way; Let's be truthful where the candidates stand and debate the issues truthfully.
Like that's going to happen.
Overall I am happy with how this current administration has dealt with Foreign Policy. I do not agree with EVERYTHING that GW has said and done, but I fear the thought of Gore, Kerry, Clinton, Obama and how they would let this Country down. The mentality of, "Can't we all just get along" or bending to allow further aggression towards the West is insane.
By the nicey nice mentality, France is having huge problems with Muslim assimilation as well as Britain and Canada. THIS IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. My European forefathers had to assimilate to US culture. Unfortunately, my Cherokee forefathers were trampled upon. Do I hate this country for that? NO. Holding grudges over generations destroys everything.
The sacrafice of the few of our kids that are fighting and dying for this Country is phenomenol. Praise and love them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Did you really mean to type "El Guano"???? like saying he's bat poopy??? Wow. Name calling is easy on that side, eh?
I was really trying to stay out of this thread.
that is actually kinda funny.


Originally Posted by Suzy
Darn, I thought you edited that out. I just didn't go back far enough.
Oh, well.
Surely your hatred hasn't blinded you so badly that you can't see that all the candidates will leave Iraq. Surely you can understand that we cannot keep up this level of engagement long term and still be able to protect our interests elsewhere. Surely you can see that calling it "CutnRun" when one candidate says it, but "Victory" when another candidate says it is complete hypocrisy.
But, heck, maybe McCain will get elected (and Ozzy Osbourne will tour with Barry Manilow). He will catch OBL, eliminate AQ and end all wars! Yahoo!!!! Maybe America will believe the lies like they did last time.
Naw, it's gonna be Obama as POTUS, Pelosi as Speaker and Clinton as Leader of the Senate, setting the agenda. We will get to be proud of country again. World leaders again!
Wow, I did not make it past this comment. You terrify me. I genuinely do not understand how one could back a liberal, and especially the current stock...Leaders of the world with the socialists?? The capitalist entrepreneurial spirit will be crushed and Bush's appeasement comment was spot on...We are doomed
. To each their own, but just have inspired me to cancel your vote