cutest fish


Active Member
today i went to the fish store with my 2 year old cousin ( he dosnt act 2 more like 20), he knows almost every fish, i work with him alot on that because i want to have someone to pass on the torch, BUT ANYWAY BACK TO THE POINT... we were walking along the tanks and i was asking him what all the fish were and he was listing them off to me and we bent down to a bottom tank and as i was quizzing him i saw a baby dwarf fuzzy lion fish, it was about a half an inch without its tail, it was the cutest thing i have ever seen in my life, it looked like a little bumble bee flutering around in a tank, the bad with was they had an angler in there. he was small himself but still given there nature i would never trust him
what was the cutiest fish you have ever seen


a 1" porcupine puffer with its shineing blue eyes, attentively zipping around the front glass begging for food HANDS DOWN!


Active Member
awwww that is so cute. i used to have one that was my cuzes favorite fish. he would swim up to the top the be rubed but a newbe mystake killed him, i didnt think there was that big a diffrence in fresh and salt water clams. while reading your post i asked devan(my cuz) what hisfavorite fish was and he said " b my favorite fish died". that was so sad i feel so bad. he had such a seriouse face to


Active Member
My fuzzy dwarf is the "cutest" fish I have. She dances right in front of the tank to get my attention. She always comes right out and greets me when I come to the tank.
The other day though I saw a hawaiian red angler at the LFS and it was absolutely amazing. If I had not known how aggressive it would grow up to be, I might have bought it.


Active Member
i have been thinking about starting up a 30 for an angler i am amazed by them they are so peculure looking and just wierd. another of my lfs's had the same kind and it was so small he could have set on a quarter. i saw him setting next to the glass and was like "wow thats a wierd piece of rock" then was like " woooow thats an angler" then starting shouting in the store for my friend that was there with me to come and look, a guy that worked there was standing next to me... he looked up...and busted out laughing...shook his head...and walked away... at that i clasped my mouth with my hands and looked at him with the widest eyes you have ever seen


Active Member
Yeah, this one I saw was about the size that he could fit on a quarter as well. Very tiny. A species only tank with an angler in it would look very cool.


Active Member
I've had a little snowflake eel of about 6" come up to my hand looking for food, then decide to wiggle through my fingers and curl up inside my palm. Or maybe I just have a bad taste in cute...?


my dog faced puffer is awesome has a ton of personality :jumping:


My LFS has this 500 gal. Display tank, and in it, they have only one fish: a 16" Mappa Puffer. He is definately one of the cutest fish I have ever seen, and he seems so smart, too. It's like he remembers me each time I go into the store.


Originally Posted by boalgf
This is gus gus
See what I mean - they are so cute they make me smile everytime I see one
I had to give mine away prior to moving - he was 8 inches long - I miss Ya P. Diddy - (his name was Puffy - but you know we needed to stay hip and change it along with the name sake!)


Gus Gus is about 7 inches and growing fast. Yeah, he's adorable but he is a mean bully as well. He is the favorite of everyone who has seen the tank though.


the cutest fish i ever saw was a small(like 3/4'')moorish idol, the first and only moorish idol ive seen in real life
(and its also my favorite fish :happyfish )


Active Member
another cute fish i saw yeasterday was a spotted manderin that was so fat, it looked like porky swimming around. i saw him at the jenks oklahoma aqu. it was awsome, but i will have to say one thing that bothered me was there fish were all in very small tanks. 4 or 5 tangs in a tall 55. very sad. they also had a clown trigger that was a little smaller than a football in a tall 55, and the entire time we were there he darted from one side to the other.


I have to say that "CARL" RIP was the coolest(i'm a guy soooo) fish I have seen.
see my pic with my name, that was my carl, a long horn cow fish.


Active Member
i have one of those that is awsome. his name is marvin the martion. when im not paying attention to him he spits waterout at me