Cutting coral



One of my leathers has gotten huge and I was thinking about cutting it back and attaching it some other rocks in my tanks. What is the best way of cutting it and where should I cut it (for instance the bottom or one of the smaller branches) and attaching it to rock. I'm not sure what kind of leather it is, but it looks like a tree with alot of soft branches.


Active Member
there are a lot of soft corals that look like a tree. but the fact that you say the branches are soft makes me think more of a kenyan tree coral. but either way, it is goign to respond the same to cuttings. all you need is a razor blade. cut wherever you would like. then you can rubberband the loose piece to a rock and after a few days-2 weeks or so, it will be attached.


OK.. That sounds good and I have done that befor but what about a Toadstool Leather? How would you cut that?... My toadstool leather is getting big... :help:


Active Member
same way as any other leather or soft coral. just cut off a section with a razor. i would suggest making sure you get part of the cap too, so it doesnt take so long to grow out. You can cut a quarter our of it or something or however much you want and get some of the stem too. or you can just cut the cap and it will grow a stem.
good luck
(make sure to run a lot of carbon, especialy if you have corals close by or any sps corals.)


Active Member
I reccomend doing the cutting out of the tank if possible because leathers excrete lots of toxins when stressed. then let them sit in a bucket of tank water for a while to let them stop "bleeding" then rinse and return to the tank.

aztec reef

Active Member
i agree cuz you don't want any toxins or at least the minumun to go in your tank. you can do it outside successfully it shouldn't take you that long.