cuttlefish where to obtain them


dose this site ever sell octo's cuttle fish'es or squids ect i really want to get and octo or cuttle fish .
anyone know where i can get one?


Cuttlefish and octopus (plural octopuses?) are both considered "expert only". I'd seriously reconsider getting one.


Active Member
my lfs has one,, my daughter wanted to bring it home, but of course i said no, and the fish guy said it would be out of the tank and sitting on the couch with us.


Active Member
An octopus in an aquarium is almost always a dissapointment. They are very short lived (even in the wild) and you pretty much need an airtight lid with a padlock to keep them in the tank.


Active Member
I know a guy who had a female lay eggs she hatched them out then died like all female octopi do and now he has 30 little octopi he is raising. He has had them for around a month and really knows what he is doing this is his second or third one. If you want to talk to him I can give you his info. Though I agree they should be left to the experts.


Active Member
Make sure that if you break down and get an octopus, you don't get a the blue-ringed variety. They are extremely toxic and their bite can be compared to a highly venemous snake.
Since they are escape artisists, if you have a dog or small child, they can easily injest the dead octopus, should it get out, and the consequences would be extreme.


im fully aware of the type of blue ringed octo's i also know that they only live 6 mo too 2 years that really it depending on species
i like them cuz they are really intelegent and i would actually have a versa top type hinged with .5 inch holes
for air exchange reasons
id have a steel flat bar lock like the ones on the old doors
that will be attached to a table
octo's arentreally as dificult as people think, that is provided the proper enviorment and stable rocks ect, i know of their "keyhole ability" but i also know that if they do get out they are not stupid enough to go to far it would only be within a 50 ft radius they stay away from heat source for the most part and actually try to avoid predators
i am also keeping in mind that if there is no other watter source around they will re enter the tank by themselves within 2 hrs time
i just need to know where to get them as no petshop want to cary them