Cyanide Poisoning


I posted this in the new hobbyist forum, I should have posted it here first:
Now here is an interesting one for you. I went to my LFS yesterday. I was discussing the history of my tank with the salesman, and he suggested that the reason that my coral beauty died was because of cyanide poisoning from the phillipines(where it was caught?)? My tank parems were perfect. There was no live rock for it to munch on, but I feed my tank a mix of spirulina, enriched frozen brine, and frozen misis shrimp. Is this guy anywhere near right or was he just feeding me a line of bs?:confused:


I know they used to use some kind of chemical that stuned the fish so they could catch them. The fish that were collected this way did have a high mortalitly rate and I'm pretty sure it is illeagal to collect this way but I would imagin it is still used in these places where some of these fish come from. I didn't think it was cyanide though.


the phillipines are notirious for cyanide collecting..its pretty sad, not only are they killing the fish but the reefs are dying as well becasue of the cyanide


I did not know that. The thing is, the fish was perfelctly healthy for 3 months. Then one day, it was at the bottom of my tank. And as I said, all my parems are perfect. I now have live rock in my tank, and I am going to attemt to keep a Flame Angel. Of course, I will only add the angel AFTER the live rock has become firmly established.


cyanide would of killed the fish earlier, any sign of a disease process? dwarf angels generally do better longterm in a matured tank > 6 mths old that has alot of live rock in it as well. given the right environment these fish do well. they do need algae in their diet and proper tankmates as well.