Hey All...
First...Chain....I am running a Kent Nautilus skimmer and I have to clean the cup approx. once every two weeks...thick gunky extract
brown to black in color...real good stuff....
Next...Sammy...one side maybe 1 1/2' height , the other overflow maybe 4' height
Next....Broomer....the reason I can not place powerheads ,
which I do have,brand new in the box, in my tank is because
I have a good size filefish that loves to bite into things...
he destroyed my Tropic Marin hydrometer in 1 second of it
entering the water, as such, I am afraid that he will chew
the wire....if I had room in my sump...I would drop another
Mag-Drive in there just for circulation to the bottom of the
tank...maybe you can suggest other alternatives...
maybe tap off the 2 returns , making them longer with that
flexible ball tubing and run it down to the bottom of the tank?
Also, the tank is about 11 months old, everything brand new,
and I have glass canopies w/ the 6' strip light...
whatever lighting you say to purchase...preferrably bulbs only,
as the strip light cost me $225 but whatever you think is best...
just let me know....
Much thanks all...