Cyano Cyano Cyano!!!!


Active Member
I am frustrated!!!!

I finally bought a phosphate testing kit and I do not have any phosphates... It's like barely above zero.. but I still have tons of cyano!!!
I am manually removing it the most that I can... EVERYDAY!! And it's back... I do have phosphate sponge in the sump and I am also running carbon. I have enough flow... I calculated it and It's about 2400 GHP, It should be more like 2600 but it shouldn't be causing this much of a problem.
I have cut down my feeding to once a day, some times not even that. And I am feeding 1 cube of either angel formula or emerald entree soaked in multi vitamin solution.... I leave the sump off during feeding but the closed loop and koralia on and I watch carefully to make sure all food is eaten, only adding a little at a time. I also put very small pieces of seaweed in the clips almost every day, once a day. I have approximately 11 small fish (most under 3 inches, 2 of them are about 5 inches).
Can't someone tell me what I am doing or not doing to get rid of this cyano... I don't know what to do to get rid of it and it doesn't seem to get any better!!!!


Originally Posted by rlablan
I am frustrated!!!!

I finally bought a phosphate testing kit and I do not have any phosphates... It's like barely above zero.. but I still have tons of cyano!!!
I am manually removing it the most that I can... EVERYDAY!! And it's back... I do have phosphate sponge in the sump and I am also running carbon. I have enough flow... I calculated it and It's about 2400 GHP, It should be more like 2600 but it shouldn't be causing this much of a problem.
I have cut down my feeding to once a day, some times not even that. And I am feeding 1 cube of either angel formula or emerald entree soaked in multi vitamin solution.... I leave the sump off during feeding but the closed loop and koralia on and I watch carefully to make sure all food is eaten, only adding a little at a time. I also put very small pieces of seaweed in the clips almost every day, once a day. I have approximately 11 small fish (most under 3 inches, 2 of them are about 5 inches).
Can't someone tell me what I am doing or not doing to get rid of this cyano... I don't know what to do to get rid of it and it doesn't seem to get any better!!!!
how old is the tank? what kind of lighting do you have? keep sucking it out and doing water changes. i had green cyano bad and still have alittle. just keep at it. i noticed then when i started adding calcium, stronium, and iodine supplements the cyano nearly vanished. i dont know why or even if this was the cause but its was about the same time. my tank is over 2 years old and im still getting diatom blooms in the sand bed. everything is happy and healthy and water parameters are pristine. this hobby is not an exact science so just keep at it. do you have any Xenia in the tank? the love phosphates and will compete with the cyano for them. how bout macro algaes? they too will eat up any phosphates you may have but can detect. BTW i use tap water and have been able to keep algae and cyano under control. good husbandry is the most important thing in this hobby. good luck!


Active Member
This tank is about 7 months old.
I use RO/DI water from my home system.
I also tested for calcium yesterday and there is none... because of this, my coraline is dying off. I was going to add purple up or some calcium but I wasn't sure about it... Should I try to save my remaining coraline?
Also, my regular params like ammo, nitrate, nitrite, ph are normal and have been steady. All of the fish are healthy and w.e but my tank just looks disgusting...
I had some pulsing xenia, it did not make it, haven't added anymore... Also had some chaetomorph under an 18 watt fuge light in my sump, it just turned to mush and died, have not gotten anymore, as I do not have nitrates at all....
I am also running a small UV sterilizer to see if that can help things out, but I am afraid of this.... I keep a mandarin who only eats pods... will this decimate my pod population? If so, I will turn it off right now... I don't want him to starve!


Active Member
All right....this is right up my alley. First of all....take a deep breath and settle down. This is going to be a long hard battle. But have no WILL prevail. It will not happen overnight,but it will happen.
I had the exact same thing happen in my 130 reef that was OVER 2 years old..boy was I p-od. Anyway..I was just like you..all readings were fine,lights were good,using only RO,flow was fine, zero phosphates,blah,blah,blah.
First things will not get a phosphate reading because the cyano is using all the nutrients to you best indication of phosphate reading is...cyano. And you have it,so you also have phosphates. ARE overfeeding.I waas also feeding every day... I know,I know...I thought I was starveing my fish...but after my cyano outbreak,I cut down to every 3 days...the fish are just as fat.
Third...if you have zero are NOT doing enough water changes.Depending on the size and coral load of your tank...water changes should keep calcium in check...unless you have a few clams,etc that suck the calcium out...(like I do)You have not stated the size of your tank...but I suspect (99.9 %) you are overfeeding and not doing enough (frequency/gallons) of water changes.
Solution: Do more frequent water changes, I was doing over 30% every week. Second ..feed every 3 days only. took me almost 3 months to rid my tank of it. I have been cyano free ever since. Just dont go back to your old ways,and your tank will be cyano free.


Active Member
Thanks for the info.... I did not feed today but did offer just a little piece of seaweed... I do have some fish that look a little sick for I wanted to make sure that they get food and vitamins as much as possible to keep everyone at their best.
FYI I do 20 gallons every 5 days. I have a 200 gal tank with roughly a 40 gallon sump. I think it's like a 38 gallon or something... It's custom... w.e.
I am doing a change tonight and also syphoning.
Any info about the UV light?? I am actually really worried about that killing all of my pods.... let me know.


Active Member
All of my fish are below 3 inches... except 2.
1 mandarin= ~2in
1 female clown=2 in
1 male clown=~1.5 in
2 female lyretail anthias= ~3in each
1 desjardinii sailfin tang= ~3in
1 long nose hawkfish= 3.5in
1 hippo tang= 1.5in
1 rock beauty angel= ~4in
1 foxface rabbitfish= ~5in
1 atlantic dwarf pygmy angel= ~1.5in
1 twin spot goby= 1.5in
1 royal gramma= ~1.5in
1 fuzzy dwarf lion= 1.5in
1 harbour goby (haven't seen him in 2 or so weeks... no body though...)
I have a few corals too. all VERY small frags
radioactive dragon eyes zoanthids= 15 polyps
1 yellow deep sea gorgonian= softball size or so...
GSPs= 1 fist sized rock
1 stripped mushroom (bit bigger than a silver dollar)
1 turquoise blue richordia (silver dollar size)
1 candy cane frag with 2 heads that never feeds but is still alive somehow....
various inverts...
1 very small maxima clam= about 2 inches... (has grown since I got him!! yay!)
snails only about 30 or so.... (bumble bee, turbo, nass, nerinth?...some other kind I can't remember...)
about 30 hermit crabs
2 emerald crabs, 1 just died...
2 peppermint shrimps (haven't seen them in a while)
1 fire shrimp


you should be ok with the UV. I run one in my 265 reef and have a boat load of copods.


Active Member
20 gallon wc on a 200 with a 40 about 10 percent. I would do larger wc if you can. Like I said,on mine.. 130 with 45 gallon sump, I was doing 45 gallon wc weekly AND reduced feeding,and it still took 3 months to beat the cyano. As far as the UV..I have heard 2 schools of thought..some people say it kills them some dont...somepeople also say if they make it into your sump(where most likely your uv is) that the return pump will chop them up as they flow thru the pump,others say not possible. I currently run a UV,but Im still on the fence about it. It does seem that my pods have slimmed down...


Active Member
You also did not state what type of lighting is on the tank and how old the bulbs are....old bulbs can contribute to your problem.


Active Member
I hav hamilton MH fixtures. They came with the bulbs and I just purchased everything about 2 months ago. maybe a bit more. Everything was new, bulbs and all.
I want to more water changes but I can't right now... This is the best I can do... I am actually almost out of salt. I am unemployed and our money is... basically nothing... for us or for fish so... To do more water I would need another water barrel from home depot, for like $30.00 and I basically have enough salt for one last water change... So I would need more salt which is like 50.00 bucks... I just don't have it right now... :(
I am hoping the syphoning it out and the small changes will be enough. Even though it will take longer to see the results, I wanted to know that I was doing the right/wrong things and make sure I was on the right track I guess.... I will do my best to get more salt and all and do more water changes.
Thanks again guys.


GEE....I am guessing at this point all you can do is siphon and hope for the best...I, Like Ifire.....had it and it in my 54g and it took months, with larger and more frequent water changes before I beat it
Sorry to hear of your problems too.....Best I can tell you is reduce light, rinse food, and siphon away
hopefully something will change for you and you can get more salt..
good luck


Active Member
lol here is to hoping. I work for a company that does social events and I get paid alot but september is not a great time for social events and holidays. I just got hired a few weeks ago but I have yet to earn a dollar because there is nothing for me to do yet... It really crappy but It took my nearly 3 months to find a job after I was laid off from my last one. Hopefully with the halloween holidays coming up.. that would be awesome... THROW SOME EVENTS PEOPLE! lol
also, What is rinsing your food and how do I do that? I know it's probably just washing my food but... just see myself washing the cubes til there is nothing left and then that would be pointless!! hehe


I soak the cube in water, and then strain it thru a small fish net, and rinse.....Maybe I have lost one mysis...LOL


Active Member
hehe well I am willing to give it a try... how would I apply vitamins though... I usually put the cube in this little tiny bowl and drop the vitamins on it and then let it defrost and soak it up and then I put some tank water on it and then I put a little food in at a time til it's gone.
I would imagine that rinsing it would help to get all of those tiny pieces out of the way, before just dumping them into the water column. I have been considering making my own food so I could add the vitamins directly... I am going to check out what it up at the grocery store... I think I will combine some fish food and store bought things with some plain vitamins in a powder... like something from GNC or something and just do it that way... and pre-rinse it...
Does that sound like that could work?? I mean, I think it would be cheaper and being unemployed... I have the time... Would it be better? I could make smaller cubes too!


Active Member
IMO, the best thing is large water changes. That being said, I know your funds are tight..I would say, cut back on feedings = save money. Cut you lighting back an hour or 2 depending on your livestock = save money. Im not so sure if siphoning the cyano off actually works or not.I did it but it would be back the next day...I suppose it cant hurt though. I am lucky enough to use NSW so I have an unlimited supply, I cant imagine haveing to mix my water for wc...Im sure its a pain..just do the best you can and keep the faith.
Whatever you do..DO NOT be tempted to use any meds in your tank.....I know you have probably thought about it...but I wouldnt recommend it. My 2 cents worth.


Active Member
Here is my take on getting rid of Cyano.
Red Slime (Cyano Bacteria)
Cyano grows on top of nutrient rich areas of low flow. There are a number of things that need to be correct or possibly corrected to combat this without the use of chemical additives. The biggest thing is to get rid of the extra nutrients.
1. Evaluate your feeding. If you are feeding more than can be eaten in about 1-2 minutes it is too much and the remainder of it is falling to the rock and sand and becoming nutrient.
2. Evaluate your flow. If you have areas in the tank where there is little to no flow this can be corrected by adding power heads or repositioning the ones you already have. You don’t need to create sand storms just have water moving over the area to keep detritus suspended in the water column for removal by your filter – skimmer.
3. Evaluate your water changes. The solution to pollution is dilution! You want to continually remove unneeded nutrients as well as replace those things that are used by the system. 10% weekly is a good change schedule. Some do 20% every other week and some vary the schedule from there, but a good start is 10% per week.
4. Evaluate your lighting schedule. About 10 hours of daylight is all that is needed.
5. If you have a cyano outbreak do the above 4 items andh:
a. At water change time siphon off the cyano first. It will come up easily almost like a blanker.
b. After siphoning stir the affected areas a little to suspend any detritus for the water change and filtering - skimming removal.
c. Use a turkey baster now and at every water change in the future to again suspend the detritus for removal by the water change and your filtering – skimming.
Keeping nutrient levels low to non-existent will help to avoid cyano outbreaks and any algae outbreaks as well as keep your tank and you happy happy.
Hope that helps.
