Cyano & Mexican Turbos


New Member
I was reading on this site under "Mexican Turbo Snail" it really true,does the Mexican Turbo actual feed on cyano? PLease someone LMK. Thanks,John


Active Member
I have heard that the orange Halloween crabs eat cyano, but I don't know if it's true. I don't think they're reef safe though.

payton 350

the one i have does, but only a little of it....not worth it to get them for that if that's what you're asking....find the source for the cyno

payton 350

what is your water flow, water test results , etc tank details and i'm sure we all can help you figure this out?
where is the cyno at?


New Member
I have a 90 gallon reef tank w/ 90-100lbs of LR and approx a 2" SB. I have 2 - MJ-1200 along with a RIO 2100 return pump. I also have a small RIO thats primarily for behind the rock flow. The cyano is on the LR & SB.
LIGHTING: T5 Icecap Retro 4 x 48 x 54w
FILTRATION: Running a aquaclear wet/dry along with a EHIEM canister.
SALT: Instant Ocean
WATER CHANGE: 10% every 7-10 days
pH 8.4
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Amonina 0
I have not tried any type of chemical(chemi-clean) to try to clear up the cyano. I have been running carbon and phosphate remover. I want to eliminate the problem not just mask it. I do have to say that it has me about to the end of my rope. I am also leaning towards a bigger skimmer along with a refugium. I just need to alocate some funds first. If anyone has other ideas...please let me know. Thanks,John :help: