cyano on Gsp and attatching a shroom back to the rock.


Active Member
so today my gsp really started to open

well the ones tht arent open. the polyps are covered with cyano bacteria.
can i just bruxh off the cyano off the closed ones? or do i have be really careful so i dont kill them?
any advice would be great!
also i have a free floating(well its roaming the tank lol) mushroom what do i do to get it to attatch to a rock? it has lost almost all its color. and it in a dark area of the tank.
do i rubberband the small mushroom? its about the size of a dime.
adviceo on this to would be awesome
thanks in advnce


New Member
There are many ways to anchor your floater. Two I know of is 1) shave the bottom with a razor or just slice it to expose the base. Using a small rubber band attach it to a small piece of live rock. 2) Same process but using a small dab of Super Glue (yes, I said Super Glue).
Now if it is shriveled up and turning 'black?' perhaps it is already lost. Also, since it is so small, why not just spend the few bucks and buy one from a shop that is already established on a rock?


Active Member
Originally Posted by RockSalt
There are many ways to anchor your floater. Two I know of is 1) shave the bottom with a razor or just slice it to expose the base. Using a small rubber band attach it to a small piece of live rock. 2) Same process but using a small dab of Super Glue (yes, I said Super Glue).
Now if it is shriveled up and turning 'black?' perhaps it is already lost. Also, since it is so small, why not just spend the few bucks and buy one from a shop that is already established on a rock?
thank you for the reply
well cus it came off of my shroom rock and its jus tin my tank. so i figured i shuld learn how to do it.
now if it doesnt have any bottom to cutis it a gonner?
how long can it be outta the water?
and no its not black. it is a metalic green striped shroom and its starting to loose color and it jut turning a pink. almost transparent.
o and one last ?.
can the rubberband be to tight and kill part of it similar to cutting the circulaiton off in a human body part?


Active Member
i've found with shrooms it is better to get a piece of mesh cloth, sorta like wedding cloth they make favors out of or even an old net, then just put the shroom onto the rock and cover it with that mesh, then rubberband the mesh around the shroom. shrooms get a little slimy when you fool with them and may unglue themselves.
as for the cyano, just blow it off if you can. gsp love flow so it wont hurt them.
on a side note, are you part of ctars? (conneticut area reef societ?) i just found out that it exists lol and will probably join up. they do frag swaps and tank tours and a whole bunch of things :)


Active Member
Shrooms can be out of the water for awhile, so you can play with it out of your tank. By awhile I mean 5 to 10 minutes per some more experienced reefers than myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i've found with shrooms it is better to get a piece of mesh cloth, sorta like wedding cloth they make favors out of or even an old net, then just put the shroom onto the rock and cover it with that mesh, then rubberband the mesh around the shroom. shrooms get a little slimy when you fool with them and may unglue themselves.
as for the cyano, just blow it off if you can. gsp love flow so it wont hurt them.
on a side note, are you part of ctars? (conneticut area reef societ?) i just found out that it exists lol and will probably join up. they do frag swaps and tank tours and a whole bunch of things :)
thanx i wil have to check that out. if you have ne more info on this could u send me it by e mail?


Active Member
well i just did the opreation so to speak..
well it was attached to a piece of sand.
so i cut it off.. well kinda. it wouldnt cut so 3/4 of it cut and the last 1/4 is bent back and the open half is up against the lr with a rubber band around it all..
so when i cut it it went from penny size to. pebble size.
then i had the and arund it and my dang cleaner shirmp picked it off from under the band. what a piece of work huh?
so i had to redo it.

all i can say was tht was mcuh more stressful then i bargained for. i had a but of a rock slide and i had to re do it as all my corals closed up and are trying to re open.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
You could have glued the sand it was attached to right on a rock

haha thanx. well i didnt have any glue
