Cyano outbreak... In my QT!


Active Member
So I have a firefish in my QT that has been in there for 10 days now. Today I noticed that Cyano has broken out pretty significantly.
So should I worry about this? I mean in a little over 2 weeks the fish will be moved into the DT. Can I wait until then to clean it out?
Also, can you give me a suggestion on how to get rid of the Cyano?
5g Acrylic Hex
Biowheel filter
1 rio 90 powerhead
5lbs live rock
Last test results (11/17)
Temp 78
SG 1.024
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5


Have you checked for phosphates? Is this the same water that you use in your DT? If so, any problems in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Have you checked for phosphates? Is this the same water that you use in your DT? If so, any problems in there?
No, there does not appear to be any cyano in the DT. I have had small patches in the past, but not a widespread outbreak like I am having now.
I will run a full test set today. The water is the same mixture as in the DT, but not the same water. The QT has been up for about 2 months and has had a few water changes on its own.


Active Member
Ok, so I ran the tests this morning.
Temp: 79
Sg: 1.024
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0
Phosphates: 0
pH: 8.3
I have lighting that comes on at 10am and goes off at 8pm. The thing is that the QT is in the bathroom and it is very bright in there. I should probably have the lights come on later (2 or 3pm) and go off at 7pm.
Is light a big contributor ot Cyano?
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

b bauer

light does play a big role with cyano buy a $10 timer and leave your lights on for 7-8 hrs,but get rid of the cyrno first.


Active Member
Is there any problem with leaving the cyano alone for 2 weeks so I can get the fish into my DT?


Originally Posted by jpc763
Is there any problem with leaving the cyano alone for 2 weeks so I can get the fish into my DT?
It is not going to hurt your fish in the qt. I would cut down on the lighting though. You realy don't even need the lights on in a qt if the room is bright.


Active Member
Thanks everyone. I will cut the lighting down and clean it out when I move the guy to the DT. Of course I found a patch in the DT today as well. I will need to get that out ASAP.


Originally Posted by jpc763
Thanks everyone. I will cut the lighting down and clean it out when I move the guy to the DT. Of course I found a patch in the DT today as well. I will need to get that out ASAP.
If you have Cayno in the DT then you realy need to check your source water. Are you sure this is cayno? If it was in one or the other that would be different, but being it is showing in both then there is an issue here. Organics and minerals are the big factors to Cayno, light as well but not so much or it would be in all tanks. Being that this qt is fairly new, I am led to believe that it is in your source water.


Active Member
Well the Cyano is different in each tank. The QT has a bright red film growing on the rock and on the glass.
The DT has a brown or green film patch of maybe 2" by 2" in one place. Nowhere else. I posted a picture in another thread asking for confirmation of the id in the DT.
Here is the thread:
I can post a picture of the QT if you like.


Active Member
Here is a picture of the DT

And here is a picture of the QT.

As you can see there is a diffence between the outbreaks.
Note: The DT is running a protein skimmer and Chaeto. The QT is running a biowheel filter.