

Active Member
Is it more red ish or brownish.
Doesn't look like cyano to me.
Cynano is usually and i say Usually a brighter red


Its definitely a more brown colour. The "algae" is covering an area that was once covered in diatoms. It doesnt seem much like a slime. Its more stringy. Ill try to get another better picture.


I have had, what I beleived to be cyno, in a range of color from a reddish brown to an almost bright red. It may have to do with lighting, density, variety, whatever. I think the main clue is it's consistancy and major characteristics. These photos, to me, show classic cyno.


i have the same thing growing in my 55 gal I wish we could find out what it is growing from my sand also and a little on my power heads


Active Member
Cyano is a bacteria which in a closed environment can get out of control. It's usually caused by excess nutrients in the tank. (overfeeding and so on) But these aren't the only causes.
Do a search aat the top of this board for "Treating Cyano". :D


yes i could see where it would cover corals i have a kena tree and some of the so called cyano started to grow on it and for a couple of days it would not strech out like normally does when the light comes on but i got the cyano off and the next day (yesterday) morring the tree was streched all out like normal


Here are a few things that can cause cyanobacteria to grow in your tank as well as a possible solution to get ridd of it too.
> using filtered tap water (use RO instead)
> lights losing the spectrum (time to replace them)
> overfeeding the tank (cut your feeding in half)
> dirty filter, plugged up power heads. (maintenence more often)
> not enough water circulation (add a power head)
> water changes (do it more frequent)
I hope this can help you out. Good Luck.