Cycle/Algae Question


Quick question from a new guy setting up a reef tank. I'm cycling a 50G with 75 lbs LR and 10lbs ls (mixed with 40lbs of aragonite). I just recently started but I know I can expect some algae soon. Could someone please give a quick summary of what to expect and if I am supposed to clean it off the glass? Also, when can I introduce the cleaning crew, is this the first thing that should go in after the cycle? believe it or not, I've read a lot on the subject, and not many books really clearly describe the algae or clean up crew, just when fish and corals can be added.


I'll make this short as possible. Your nitrates and ammon. will shoot up real high and peak. They they drop down to 0 or very close to it (should). You will get an ugly brown algea (really it is diatoms). After the readings drop to 0 then it is recemmended to do a water change or 20-25%. Then the diatoms should start to turn into nice green algea. After the readings get better then it is safe to add a cleaning crew. They cycle can take from a week to a month depending. Test your water daily while cycling.


Thanks a lot, I've got a ton of information on the chemical changes during cycling (ammonia, nitrite, nitrates)and my tests are going as expected but I just never knew what to expect for algae growth. thanks a lot.