Cycle and pic question


Alright, the first question.
I tested my water yesterday and it read
Ammonia-1.0(rised from 0)
I tested it today and the paraqmeters were
Sg and temp about the same
Has mt ammonia spiked already or is it just moving around?
I have put in a shrimp about 5 days ago,I have LR and LS.
What else is going on and is my cycle moving along?
Next question.
I tried to post a pic and it said it was 2 big. How do u make it smaller? Plz go through all steps in English, not japenese.
Thanx alot and srry for all questions I am just really excited.
Your ammonia has spiked, but before it comes down all the way ... It will most likely be a little while. If you just put the shrimp in 5 days ago and the ammonia is at 0 tommorow or something, chances are it never cycled, and you may need to begin it again ... But from what it looks like, your cycle is moving along well, and just be patient. Dont rush.
Dont know about the pics, sorry.


Haung chow, chu fu chang, hung lo, ming po, kung pung wing wang....oh sorry, you said no Japanese....:D
You have definitely started a cycle. There is no limit to an ammonia "spike", it just depends on how much stuff you have degrading into ammonia. As ammonia is created, certain bacteria starts growing to break it down into nitrites. Once nitrites is produced, certain bacteria start growing to break it down into nitrates. In the initial cycle, you'll see ammonia go up (spike), then days later you'll see it start to go down as nitrites rise, and eventually they start to come down, while nitrates rise. Until the shrimp (bio-load) completely decomposes, it will be producing ammonia, but the ammonia levels will be going down because of the increase in ammonia munching bacteria. This whole process can take 3-6 weeks before the bacteria pop meets the "bio-load". Then as you add fish, that will increase the bio-load, and the bacteria will have to catch up. That's why you have to add livestock slowly, 1 or 2 at a time, and wait several weeks before adding anymore. HTH:happyfish


Oh yeah, I don't know about the too big picture. I've had the same problem. It has something to do with formatting the original picture.:notsure:


ok swft im a nebie. computers and pictures im pretty darn good. what you need is a picture editing program and resize your pics. i recomend irfanview. its free (always good) and its pretty simple to use.
1. go to and then go to downloads.
2. type in the search irfanview(this will direct you to the file)
3. download it and install it. (just fallow the onscreen instructions)
4. i sugest you download it to a folder you can find easyly in case you want to burn it to disk
5. open the program
6. open the picture file that you want to resize
7. then go to image on the top of the programs window
8. go to resize/resample or type ctrl + r
9. click it
10. this will pop up a new screen
11. will only let you go 500x500 but this will really distort your picture
12. set your picture as 500x375 this will keep the proper aspect ratio
13. click ok and save as and rename it the same pictures name but add resized to the end. make sure there are no spaces in the name
14. this should get you a new resized picture and keep the original picture
if you have any other problem let me know



Originally posted by belothsurf
Haung chow, chu fu chang, hung lo, ming po, kung pung wing wang....oh sorry,

Belowthesurf, I hope you realize that you just said that you were married to a llama.


Wellll maaaybbeee....If I had been speaking in the...the....chiangpoooowhhooaaa......dialect. those in the "know", realize that I was NOT speaking in that dialect......and....uh...they know that I was saying "I am Man, I am speaking"........"notice the "hung lo, ming po, kung pung wing wang" dialect that I used. Makes sense to me????:D


okay folks.......
newbie question here======> 1) after you get your initial amonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, and you find you numbers high, do you do water changes to get your NO2, NO3, and NH3 level back to normal or do you let you LR and LS take care of the numbers?
When you say, " may need to restart you cycle.....", what does that mean...........and how do you "restart" it?
Thanks for you help


My Ammonia is low and it has spiked. I will need to wait about 4 days for my nitrite to come down(in the process of spiking). My trustworthy LFS said that and I think it is true. BTW, I put a shrimp in there before for about 3 days. That could have helped. I now have 11 lbs. of LR. I'll try to post a pic.
Thanx for every1s help and zap800 for helpping me w/ the pic.:D

P.S. U guys r funny speaking chinese.


Zap800. Which file do u click? I downloaded it and opened it up and it has about 8 other mini files in it. I clicked all of them and iT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Did I download the wrong 1? It said pop by it on downloa d. com.
Plz help


yes pop just means thats its a popular download. just click download and this will take you to another screen. then clickdownload now. this will make another screen pop up toi ask you to open,save or cancel. click save. once you click save then the down load will commence. after you are downloading it then click open. lastly make sure you uncheck the box that says close when download is complete



Originally posted by NVMYCJ
okay folks.......
newbie question here======> 1) after you get your initial amonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, and you find you numbers high, do you do water changes to get your NO2, NO3, and NH3 level back to normal or do you let you LR and LS take care of the numbers?
When you say, " may need to restart you cycle.....", what does that mean...........and how do you "restart" it?
Thanks for you help

No, no water change. In the "initial" cycle, let whatever lr and other stuff that can house bacteria do the job. Once your ammo and nitrites are zero, you are ready to add livestock. Before you add the fish, you can do a water change to bring the nitrates down, because, about the only thing that will lower nitrates, "significantly", is water changes. If you do a water change while your ammo and trites are high, you will prolong the growth of the bacteria in the rock, sand , filter..etc... because that is their food. Once your ammo and trites are zero, you need a "bioload" to keep the bacteria alive, such as fish, fish food, and fish....dare I say it?.....poop.....He-he.......I said "poop". I don't know how long the bacteria would live without a source of ammonia, ( I'm gonna guess a week or so, ) but if the bacteria die, theeeen you would have to restart the cycle. HTH....:happyfish


Thankx a bunch! I'm glad I asked because I would've just been doing water changes, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.............:nervous: Whew.........! That saved me a bunch of work and agrivation. Thanks again!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by daredevil
I'll try tthat and let u know if it doesn't work.

Hey I think you stole my tank :D
I got a tall one also and am very glad I did! gives you great ability to do some scaping. Here is mine so far, might give you some ideas for the future after things are all cycled.


Wow! My tank is almost fully cycled. It should be done by tommorrow. I hope my tank looks good in the future. Thanks everybody.