Cycle complete... how long for good measure?


Moved and upgraded. In the process of moving, I tore down the 75 gallon and moved fish, water, and enough LR to set up temporary housing in a 29 gal for the last two months while the new 135 was set up and cycled. FOWLR 120 lbs sand, 150 lbs LR. Amonia dropped to 0 on Friday and Nitrites dropped to 0 yesterday; how long should I wait for good measure before putting the folks in the 29 into the 135? All chemistry is good.
Cherub Pygmy
tank raised false Perc
green chromis
royal gramma
brittle star
serpant star
(lost the Heni probably due to too small of a condo while the new house was being cycled. My 2-yo best "fish" friend


Here are my thoughts but certainly more opinions would be good.
If I were in the situation you are in I think part of the answer would depend on how well the fish are doing in your 29G temporary tank. If their health is good then I would wait a bit longer. I would wait like another 3-5 days and then add in the cleanup crew you had in the 75g. Let them go for a few days and see how the parameters look. And then add the fish in one every few days so the tank doesnt too much cycling.
Congratulations on the new setup. It is always fun setting up a new tank.


Well, I finally have experience with too small of a tank for a given fish.... the ones now are doing well in the 29. The Heni all of a sudden last week hid in the corner then croaked. I knew he was in trouble when he didn't eat as he has never been a shy one. I could tell the 29- especially with the LR I put in to maintain cycle- didn't give him enough room to roam. Confusing these creatures are.... he appeared to be doing so well since early June I had hoped he would hold on as I knew the cycle was so close to completion. I'll probably go ahead and do a water change and let things re-stabilize and start my move this weekend or next week.