Cycle fish and coral...your opinions please


New Member
My cycle just finished now im thinking about the creatures to give a new home to...
I plan on waiting a month or so before corals, will I be able to have a hammer coral and a pulsing xenia with a 65 watt fluro and a 65 watt actinic (the 24" usa orbit) ?
I plan on having mushrooms as well.
For fish
- some kind of clown
- yellow watchman goby
- i want a mandarin but i know its not possible atm
not sure bout others
of course the cleaning crew...
any other suggestions?
29 gal eclipse 2 tank, 2x65watts,50lb lr,40lb ls,aquac remora w/maxijet 1200, tetratech pf-300,
ill try to get some pictures up :)
thank you everyone....


Active Member
I would start with your cleaners. Wait a month or two then add a fish.
I wouldnt put any corals in there till at least the 5 or 6 month mark.
The manadrin needs a bigger tank with a really estabished pod population or supplemental feedings with live pods. There is a place that sells them but they are not cheap!
Just remember to add slowly. Espically in such a small tank. Water quality can swing really fast.
Im in the same boat. My cycle will be finished in a few weeks but I think Im gonna go crazy before that.


My 29 g is 2 months old now. Once my cycle was done, I added some snails and then my first fish was a Yellow Watchman Goby. Since then, I have added a Maroon Clownfish, a Lawnmower Blenny, Emerald Crab, Porcelain Crab, and Mushrooms.
I think Xenia would be fine, also consider green star polyps, they are very pretty and easy :)


Active Member
How about a Royal Gramma? They're a nice, colorful fish that you may want to consider.:)


Active Member
I would suggest 1 of each on the saltwater fish page! Lol in my case I like most of them lol that is gonna be the case with posting on here lol. Everyone and there brother will reply with a fish they like then leave you holding the bag on what one to choose lol!!! And believe me it is very very very very very very!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard lol