We had a 65 gl for the past two years but needed to downgrade
Yesterday we purchased a 8gl Oceanic cube, transfered the sand, rocks and a small cleaning crew from our 65 gl, trying to avoid a big cycle, but the parameters are going nuts... .......this morning I tested and the amonia, trites and trates were out the roof ( I am at work and do not remember very well the details....no2 around: .08 no3: 110 and amonia 1.2??? I could be mixing the numbers though). Our previous tank cycle it was one at a time ( I can already tell that this is going to be way harder than our it thought
). Should I do a water change???? I know it slows the cycle but I do not want the cleaning crew to suffer. I would put them back into the big tank but we sold it yesterday.....what do you guys suggest????