Cycle madness


We had a 65 gl for the past two years but needed to downgrade
Yesterday we purchased a 8gl Oceanic cube, transfered the sand, rocks and a small cleaning crew from our 65 gl, trying to avoid a big cycle, but the parameters are going nuts... .......this morning I tested and the amonia, trites and trates were out the roof ( I am at work and do not remember very well the details....no2 around: .08 no3: 110 and amonia 1.2??? I could be mixing the numbers though). Our previous tank cycle it was one at a time ( I can already tell that this is going to be way harder than our it thought
). Should I do a water change???? I know it slows the cycle but I do not want the cleaning crew to suffer. I would put them back into the big tank but we sold it yesterday.....what do you guys suggest????


the problem is you stirred up all that sand, so your cycle is going to start may be able to do water changes and help a bit but i am betting you scooped out the sand and just poured it in...thus mixing it all up....oops


i would do a water change, wait 48 hours do another and see what happens. the problem is you stirred up all that junk in the sand, and released it into the might settle back down again, but may take some time.