cycle problem


I placed my fish in my QT to do hyposalinity. I have 2 clowns, flame angel, and a yellow eye tang in my 20 gallon QT. The water had already cycled and seemed fine before I put them in. Ammonia= 0 and Nitrite= 0. With the hyposalinity I have been doing small water changes over the last 24-28 hours and am still in the middle of getting my salinity level down. I tested my water for the nitrite and it is off the charts. The fish seem fine at this point but I dont know for how long. I have been through this before a few weeks ago. I upgraded to a 20G from a 10G. I thought that may have been the problem last time but apparently not.
What am doing wrong???


Active Member
Did you put all those fish into the 20 gallon at one time? That may be what caused the huge spike in nitrites.


adding that many fish at one time is your problem. one possibly 2 at the max. you may be able to keep doing alot of water changes and them be ok.


Yes I did stick them in all at the same time. I did not realize that it would throw everything out of wack. So what should I do now. I only have begun to do hyposalinity on the fish. Should I put them back in my display where I know that ICK still lives or just do water changes everyday for a month on my QT until the ick is gone?
If I should just keep doing water changes then how much should I do each day?