Cycle Question


New Member
I have a 12 gallon with 15 #s of LR and 5 #s LS then the rest just normal sand. I have the filter that comes with the Eclipse Kit and i added a powerheader, so i have great circulation. My tank has only been up, running with water for just over a week. Is it possible for my tank to be done cycling? All my levels are down. PH 8.6, trate-0,trite-0, ammonia-.25 or less. i dont have anything in there yet. Am i ok to add some shrimp, crabs, snails, or fish?? If so what should i put in????


did you test daily or every other day and see the ammonia get high then some nitrite then nitrate? Is the ammonia on the way down? I would be sure there is zero ammonia before adding anything. The LR should have provided some ammonia from initial die-off. When you are absolutely sure your ammonia has gone up then down to zero... and the nitrITE is zero... you are ready to add ONE fish... and in a 12 gallon I would guess you will only be able to handle 2 small fish at that... you could put a few hermits and snails in (also when amm, and ITE is zero)... of course you could risk it...:D

bang guy

Yes, it's possible the tank is cycled but it's not possible that it's mature enough for a delicate animal.
Start feeding the tank fish food as if there was a fish in there. If the ammonia doesn't go up then you're ready for something hardy like Sammie said.
If ammonia climbs above 0.00 then just keep feeding the tank until the tank can handle it, ie. ammonia is zero.


Very nicely said Bang ..."Start feeding the tank fish food as if there was a fish in there. If the ammonia doesn't go up then you're ready for something hardy...".
I like that... a test to see if your cycle is done.

bang guy

More than that even, it grows additional nitrifying bacteria so that if you add a fish there will not be an Ammonia spike. Much healthier.