cycle question


We just started our first salt water tank about 3 1/2 weeks ago. It is a 44 gallon bowfront. We bought 2 blue damsels and 2 chromis to start our tank cycling. My question is about how long does it take for a tank to cycle? Our tests have shown no real peak in ammonia or nitrites. The highest I have seen the ammonia has been 0.25ppm, with nitrites not testing readable.
Also, I have seen a lot of boards about "cleaning crews." What are these exactly, when do you purchase them and what do you recommend?


Active Member
Originally Posted by velvetchs
We just started our first salt water tank about 3 1/2 weeks ago. It is a 44 gallon bowfront. We bought 2 blue damsels and 2 chromis to start our tank cycling. My question is about how long does it take for a tank to cycle? Our tests have shown no real peak in ammonia or nitrites. The highest I have seen the ammonia has been 0.25ppm, with nitrites not testing readable.
Also, I have seen a lot of boards about "cleaning crews." What are these exactly, when do you purchase them and what do you recommend?
First, I'm surprised no one blew up at ya using fish to cycle the tank with. Anyways, to answer your first question about cycling. They differ in the time frame department, some 2 weeks up to 6-8 weeks. But if your still reading ammonia, your still cycling. When you read Ammonia-0 Nitrites-0 and Nitrates at .15 or lower, you in the clear.
Cleaning Crew are janitors of the tank system. Hermit Crabs, Turbo Snails, and so on of the same type. Purchase and add to tank, after cycle is complete.
Recommend: 15-20 Dwarf Hermits ( they won't eat the fishies, they are to small) Mexican Turbo Snails 5-10, Nass Snails 5-10.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltFan
First, I'm surprised no one blew up at ya using fish to cycle the tank with. Anyways, to answer your first question about cycling. They differ in the time frame department, some 2 weeks up to 6-8 weeks. But if your still reading ammonia, your still cycling. When you read Ammonia-0 Nitrites-0 and Nitrates at .15 or lower, you in the clear.
Cleaning Crew are janitors of the tank system. Hermit Crabs, Turbo Snails, and so on of the same type. Purchase and add to tank, after cycle is complete.
Recommend: 15-20 Dwarf Hermits ( they won't eat the fishies, they are to small) Mexican Turbo Snails 5-10, Nass Snails 5-10.

I guess I got lucky with my tank cycling less then a week huh!

But that also has to do with a bunch of stuffs I did to the tank as well..... :happyfish


I was kind of waitng to hear about that. However, I talked to 2 lfs, one of which deals exclusively with saltwater tanks (and they had absolutely gorgeous tanks btw). Both recommended using fish to start the cycling. I also read several books which talked about it. I was prepared for them to die (didn't want damsels anyway), but it looks like I'll be setting up a 10gal tank for them. I don't want to kill them intentionally.


I have another question about algae and diatoms. Our tank is covered in this brown stuff. It looks like grass (my daughter calls it thorns) and some of it has just began turning green. Is this the diatoms or do I have my lights on too much? They are on about 10 hours a day.


I would back your lights off a few hours to about 6 per day. You don't need 10 hours. Algae can also be a result of the type of water you use. You're not using tap water are you?
Many people here don't recommend using fish to cycle because it seems cruel to subject an animal to the toxic level of ammonia that is created. A lot of people will recommend using a raw shrip from the grocery store. Of course the LFS will recommend using fish because that is one more thing they can sell you and make a proffit on.


I had never heard about the raw fish until yesterday. And actually, my lfs told me to take my time researching fish before purchasing them even to cycle. He said to make sure I was getting the best possible fish for my money and to not buy it at his store if I found better fish elsewhere. It actually surprised me.
Yes, I am using tap water. I was unaware of RO water until after I had already started my tank. My lfs does sell RO water, so as we do water exchanges we will be purchasing RO water already mixed with salt.


I'll bet that is your algae culprit. There could be many reasons, but that is one of the first things I would look at.
Make sure you are doing water topoffs as water evaporates. You must replace with fresh water. Use RO water for that as well. No more tap water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by velvetchs
I have another question about algae and diatoms. Our tank is covered in this brown stuff. It looks like grass (my daughter calls it thorns) and some of it has just began turning green. Is this the diatoms or do I have my lights on too much? They are on about 10 hours a day.
I have my lights on for 11 hours a day, and do not have any trouble with algea or diatoms. With the right cleaning crew you will be ok, and be amazed at how clean these lil buggers keep you tank for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kalamity
Is there anything you can do to tap water to make it safe enough for a SW tank?
Have your water checked out, and really see whats in it as far as high coppers and metals, and for nitrates. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, I use tap water in my tank, no problems what so ever with anything, been doing it for years, thats not a brag either, its all up to whats in your water, you may be able to use it.