Cycle Question...


Hi there,
WOW! this is interesting.
You had the rock dry for about a year, than you placed it in saltwater on 12-26-2008. The rock has now been in water for 14 days and it looks as if it has cured in that amount of time.
Can rock be cured that fast? Interesting.


Active Member
My guess is there there was still some dried up organic tissue buried inside the rock that wasn't removed during the boiling process and now that it has been sitting in water for few days it has started to rot.
Your rock will have bacterial growth on it but that is only one part of being live rock the other parts are all the microfauna that live on and inside the rock. You could get away with just getting 5-10lbs of rock to seed the existing rock with and all will be populated with microfauna in a few months.


You have got me beat. I tested the ammonia twice just to be sure...
Originally Posted by locoyo386
Hi there,
WOW! this is interesting.
You had the rock dry for about a year, than you placed it in saltwater on 12-26-2008. The rock has now been in water for 14 days and it looks as if it has cured in that amount of time.
Can rock be cured that fast? Interesting.


Thanks for the suggestion.. If I go buy some rock would my take cycle again?
Is there any of way to get the microfauna into the tank without buying rock?
Originally Posted by natclanwy
My guess is there there was still some dried up organic tissue buried inside the rock that wasn't removed during the boiling process and now that it has been sitting in water for few days it has started to rot.
Your rock will have bacterial growth on it but that is only one part of being live rock the other parts are all the microfauna that live on and inside the rock. You could get away with just getting 5-10lbs of rock to seed the existing rock with and all will be populated with microfauna in a few months.


Active Member
Depending on how cured the rock is you will more than likely see a small ammonia spike but it should pass in a few days unless you have alot of dieoff on the rock then it may take longer.
Aztec reef mentioned getting a detravore kit from a sea farm but I don't have any experience with these so I can't provide any info.


Originally Posted by FishyTim
Thanks for the suggestion.. If I go buy some rock would my take cycle again?
Is there any of way to get the microfauna into the tank without buying rock?
Dude just buy a few nice pieces from your LFS and let it spread, whatevers happening in your tank is a good thing. 2 nice 8 + lb.s pieces of LR to seed and your good to go. so what if it starts a 2nd cycle your just starting off and whats a few more weeks.


On my way home, I decided to go ahead and drop by the ol' LFS and pick up some live rock.
I ended up getting two rocks (figi) for a total of 16 pounds. I was just going to get a couple of smaller rocks, but then I saw this one (13 lbs)...

I fell in love! It looked awesome and had a nice little cave at the bottom so I could not pass it up! I went straight home and did some aquascaping, putting this guy right in the middle... It's a little cloudy from moving the rocks, but here is a pic..

Thanks for all the help! You guys rock (no pun)

Now it's time to wait for another ammonia spike.....


Temp 79.7
Salinity 1.024
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite .5ppm
Nitrate 50 ppm
No Ammonia spike yet from the new rock... The guy at the store said it was fully long should it take for the ammonia to spike?


Active Member
Nitrite has gone down and nitrate has gone up = You missed the ammonia spike.
Don't worry, I did too the last two times I cycled tanks. Those bacteria are the fastest-growing and quickest to populate up when food appears.


dang that was nitrites and nitrates go away!

Originally Posted by gmann1139
Nitrite has gone down and nitrate has gone up = You missed the ammonia spike.
Don't worry, I did too the last two times I cycled tanks. Those bacteria are the fastest-growing and quickest to populate up when food appears.


Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 20 ppm
I'm going to do a 20% water change tomorrow.....and I should be cycled correct?


I have been adding about 5 gallons of fresh ro/di a week (evap). I think that it was a mis-test... today it came in at 20...
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Nitrates from 50 to 10 in two days doesn't sound right.
Mis-test, water change, additive, or miracle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyTim
I have been adding about 5 gallons of fresh ro/di a week (evap). I think that it was a mis-test... today it came in at 20...
If you've now gone 10 - 20, I would assume the 50 was the mis-test.


I did a 25% water change today....
after the change here are my test results...
Ammonia 0 ppm
nitrite 0 ppm
nitrates 5 ppm
I decided it was time to take a trip the the fish store!

I bought..
15 blue hermits
2 scarlet hermits
20 Nassarius snails
10 Margarita snails
5 turbo snails
2 xl turbos
1 peppermint shrimp
1 skunk cleaner
1 fire fish
here are some pics...



Active Member
I probably would have just added the CUC, and held off on the fish and Shrimp for another couple weeks. Just keep a close eye, and test at least 2x per week for now.
Keep an eye on the fish too. Don't overfeed, but make sure it is eating, and watch for changes in behavior.
Firefish can be fairly frustrating because they hide all the time, but if its in the tank by itself, it may become more bold.


I think it will be ok.
The firefish found a little cave that he likes. He went there when I first put him in the tank and when the lights went out. Lights came on this morning and he was out and swimming all over the place.
I dropped a couple ORA glow pellets in this morning and he ate them right up...
all is well, I will continue testing, just to make sure the ammonia doesnt spike and nitrates stay low (go away)
Originally Posted by gmann1139
I probably would have just added the CUC, and held off on the fish and Shrimp for another couple weeks. Just keep a close eye, and test at least 2x per week for now.
Keep an eye on the fish too. Don't overfeed, but make sure it is eating, and watch for changes in behavior.
Firefish can be fairly frustrating because they hide all the time, but if its in the tank by itself, it may become more bold.