cycle question?


Saturday I added some uncurred l/r and l/s to my tank, the lfs said that this is all I need to get the cycle going. I asked if I should also add a raw shrimp and they said no, it would just add on to the cycle time. I just wanted to make sure this is correct. I checked my ammonia today it was at 1.0 and my nitrite was at 5.0
I assume these levels will increase over time and then go back down is this correct? Thanks


For once your lfs was partially correct. Your do not need to add a shrimp to cycle your tank, but you should not have added the live sand yet. The ammonia spike will kill it. But once the ammonia cycle is completed, the live rock will seed the dead sand and make it live again.
As far as your levels, your right, they might even rise more, but your ammonia will be 0 first, then your nitrite. At this point your nitrates will go up. This is fine until your trates get to 40. This is when you need to do a water change.


Active Member
but you should not have added the live sand yet. The ammonia spike will kill it. But once the ammonia cycle is completed, the live rock will seed the dead sand and make it live again.
i disagree with that, i added LS with my LR and my LS did NOT die, i have worms and such in the sand bed all over the place really. my amonia never really spiked that much only thing i got goin on now is 0 amonia and .25 trites still and some brown algae growing, tanks been up almost a month and about complete.


I agree with krowleey, the bacteria on the LS may very well help reduce the harshness of the cycle. No matter what you do its becomes a waiting and patience game to let nature take its course, and let the bacteria form and let the cycle take its course.
Good luck and lets see some pics when you can