Cycle Questions


New Member
Ok, I have a question about my first saltwater tank. I have a 72gallon bow front tank. With one power head (I am getting another one), a wet/dry protien skimmer (not runinng during cycle) and a aquaclear hang-on filter (running during cycle). I have 10 lbs of cured live rock and 40 lbs of base rock. I tried one of those powder cycle starters that the LFS guy said to use. but it will be "cycling" for 2 weeks on saturday. However my reading are still:
Temp= 78.4
Ph = 8.0
Ammonia = 0
Nitrate = 0
Nitrite = 0
Salinity = 1.022
I have read on this board that I should use a cocktail shrimp to help cycle the tank but I don't know how many to use. and also should I have the filter and or the wet/dry protein skimmer running during the cycle? Any info would help. thanks


New Member
I am also new to the hobby. But we had our skimmer running at during the cycle and the filters. I also heard of the shrimp thing whether or not it works, I’m not sure. I bought 4 damsel fish to start the cycle. It took a little bit of time the key is patience and let it be once it is set up. Do you have any fish in the tank right now?


New Member
I'm not 100% sure but almost possitive most damsels get along with just about anything. See if there are any other tropical fish stores in your area and ask them. The main person we talk to also told us we would be able to bring the damsels back and get a credit toward other fish. you might want to check into that also. If you aren't able to do that then think about the type of fish you want and see if they are compatible.


I would cycle your tank with the cocktail shrimp. And definitly don't use damsels. Using fish during a cycle is like throwing you in a room full of gas and no air. Also, the bad conditions burn away at their gills, not to mention basicly sufficating them. And by chance that they do survive the cycle they will pick on everything. They are pretty aggresive fish and pick on anything else, even more so if they were the only ones in there for a month. This makes them feel like they dominate the tank. Definitly use the cocktail shrimp. It DOES work!


New Member
Ok thanks. it is off to the store I go for cocktail shrimp. I will have to keep the shrimp in the back of the tank so my little girl does not ask why they never move. Thanks for your help.

Does any one know if i sould have the filter running while it cycles?