

finally set up my 30gal tank last night. It has about 70lbs LR. My LS will be here on Monday.
1. Will tank start to cycle by itself or should I jumpstart it with shrimp?
2. Lights are on 5hr. Cycle. More, less or just right amount?
3. Tried to add skimmer last night but it was going crazy. I have a current fission skimmer for 110gal. Should I wait about a week to try again?
I'm sure I will have more questions but if I'm forgetting anything please let me know.


Active Member
The LR will help to start the cycle, but if you wanted to add shrimp it wouldn't hurt.
Lighting during the cycle really isn't needed. There's nothing really in the tank that needs it, but if you want to leave them on to look at the tank that's fine too.
I'd try to get the skimmer running, as it will help to remove the crap from the dieoff of the LR. All skimmers have a "break-in" period where they don't really work right. Just give it a while.


My skimmer was overflowing everytime I pluged it in. I used this skimmer the night b4 on a tub of curing rock for my other tank and worked fine. I think the water was way too new. Thinking. Is that possible??? I will try tonight when water was running for 24 hrs.


Active Member
I am not famaliar with your PS but I cycled my tank with just the LR. When you add your LS, first rinse off the outside of the bag with water. Then place the bag in the bottom of your tank and cut a slit in it and gradually let the sand flow to the bottom of your tank. You won't create such cloudy water that way IMO.


here is an update on my tank. i have lights on 5hr cycle, amonia is .25ppm. got my skimmer tuned and skimming like a beast. i also have a question about my rock thats been curing in a seperate tub. the rock amonia is at 0 i tested today. should i wait and then retest tomorow. i have to test nitrite and nitrate. i havent done that yet. any suggestions on both tank and seperate tub?


If you're asking if you can add your LR to the tank then the answer is yes. I would do a water change then add the LR to your tank. I assume that you have a heater and power heads going in your tank. If so, I would get that LR in there and have your tank take the next step.
But that just my 2 cents
Keep us posted on how its going! I too am in the cycle stage but I have to fight myself to take it slow...that's the key.


ok amonia is 0 but my nitrites are high.... can i still put them into my established tank. or wait for it to come down.


Add the rock to your tank. The only way your Nitrates are going to go down is if you have a clean up crew running non stop or you do a good size water change. It wont go down on its own for a little bit. So go ahead and do about a 50% water change, then add your live rock. Then wait another week to be absolutley sure everything is good and then add a fish or CUC.


its nitrites not nitrates. I know the trates will go up but I think I'll let trites come down a little first. As for adding to tank if its an established tank I need to wait for everythi g to go to 0 first or am I wrong??


hey guys here is an update. ammonia is 0. and my nitrites are still very high. how long does it take for them to start to come down. i am starting to show some nitrates so im guessing that is a good sign?? not sure

bang guy

Originally Posted by camanuch
hey guys here is an update. ammonia is 0. and my nitrites are still very high. how long does it take for them to start to come down. i am starting to show some nitrates so im guessing that is a good sign?? not sure
The Nitrite isn't going to harm anything. The bacteria that consume Nitrite reproduce slower than the bacteria that consume ammonia. With ammonia at zero it's time to start ghost feeding the maintain the bacteria that you've grown. Only feed a tiny amount though.
The tank will continue to stabilize as it matures. Nitrite will continue to slowly drop and then suddenly drop to zero. It takes as long as it takes, no need to be in a hurry.
The live rock infauna should begin to come out on their own. Now is a good time to watch for them.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The Nitrite isn't going to harm anything. The bacteria that consume Nitrite reproduce slower than the bacteria that consume ammonia. With ammonia at zero it's time to start ghost feeding the maintain the bacteria that you've grown. Only feed a tiny amount though.
The tank will continue to stabilize as it matures. Nitrite will continue to slowly drop and then suddenly drop to zero. It takes as long as it takes, no need to be in a hurry.
The live rock infauna should begin to come out on their own. Now is a good time to watch for them.
what is this???
so i dont need to do water changes.. also what do i ghost feed with?

bang guy

Originally Posted by camanuch
what is this???
The critters that live in your rock should soon begin to recover from the stress of shipping and cycling. They will now start hatching from left-behind eggs and the tougher critters will start reproducing.
These animals are the reason you buy live rock and not just dead coral fossil rock.
so i dont need to do water changes.. also what do i ghost feed with?
Now is a perfect time to setup your water change schedule. It needs to be as large as is convenient and regular. But not so large that you're tempted to skip doing it. Make it easy on yourself but keep in mind that the larger the better.
Ghost feed as if you have a single small Clownfish in the tank. If you get an ammonia reading then you're feeding too much.


hey guys did a parameter check this morning:
ph - 8.2
amm - 0
nitrites - .25 (down from like 2)
this is starting to go great. i started ghost feeding on 4-25-08. thanks for all the help
as soon as the nitrites are down to 0 i will do a 50% water change and then add CUC. dont think i am going to go with any crabs.
nasarius snails
turbo snails
2 fighting conches
hows that sound. thanks