

by the way my girlfriend looked at a differnt pic of a flasher wrasse and loved it. so there will be a flasher somewhere in the mix.


parameter update:
Ammonia 0

nitrite 0

didnt check nitrate but I'm sure its high. Going to do a 50% water change and buy a small CUC to start eating at some algae and let them start doing there thing.
Any recomendations on one to start?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by RotaryGeek
Add the rock to your tank. The only way your Nitrates are going to go down is if you have a clean up crew running non stop or you do a good size water change. It wont go down on its own for a little bit. So go ahead and do about a 50% water change, then add your live rock. Then wait another week to be absolutley sure everything is good and then add a fish or CUC.
your clean up crew has nothing to do with nitrate export

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I would like you to do me a favor of you can before you do your water first water change can you test your nitrates there have been post of these high number reading of nitrates right after a cycle which I just do not believe. IMO your nitrates at this stage should be between 0 and 2 mg/L at most


Originally Posted by florida joe
I would like you to do me a favor of you can before you do your water first water change can you test your nitrates there have been post of these high number reading of nitrates right after a cycle which I just do not believe. IMO your nitrates at this stage should be between 0 and 2 mg/L at most
not a problem. My test kits tells you in ppm. What is the conversion to MG/L. But I will post as soon as I get home from work. Any help with a CUC would be greatly appreciated.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by camanuch
not a problem. My test kits tells you in ppm. What is the conversion to MG/L. But I will post as soon as I get home from work. Any help with a CUC would be greatly appreciated.
Mexican turbo, margarita, Nassarius, and Cerith snails Red tip, Zebra hermit crabs, Emerald crabs. Peppermint shrimp will all give you a good start IMO


Originally Posted by florida joe
I would like you to do me a favor of you can before you do your water first water change can you test your nitrates there have been post of these high number reading of nitrates right after a cycle which I just do not believe. IMO your nitrates at this stage should be between 0 and 2 mg/L at most
hey florida joe did my nitrate test like you asked and it was less then 5mg/l... more like 0. hope this helps.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by camanuch
hey florida joe did my nitrate test like you asked and it was less then 5mg/l... more like 0. hope this helps.
Just maintains my sanity for another day my friend much thanks
by the way had a girl friend on gun hill road many moons ago


Not too far from gunhill road. Hanks for all the help. Gunna get my CUC now. How many of each listed above to get?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by camanuch
Not too far from gunhill road. Hanks for all the help. Gunna get my CUC now. How many of each listed above to get?
1 peppermint 2 emeralds 20 Nassarius and Cerith 5 turbo 5 margaritas 5 each of the hermits to start


hey guys i did a parameter test on sat after adding my CUC.
ammonia 0
nitrite .25
nitrate 5
salinity 1.025
temp. 79-81
i use RO/DI water.
been ghost feeding very little. also i was told that i should blend up some silversides and add to the tank for my hermits so they dont go after my snails. is this true? also i dont know if a snail died or 2 hermits were hungry but i found the hermits digging into one of the shells of my snails... thanks.