Hello! I set up a 46 gal bow front on 9/14...10 lbs LR and 4" DSB. I added 2 raw shrimp to start the cycle. On 9/21 I added 15 lbs more stunk a bit, so I think it had some die-off. I tested the water that day (9/21) Nitrate-0, Nitrite-0.1, Ammonia-0.25, pH-8.4. I figured the cycle hadn't really started yet since the shrimp were only half gone. Now the shrimp have been completely gone for about a week and my levels are about the same...Nitrate-2.5, Nitrite-0, Ammonia-0-0.25, pH-8.2. Do you think the tank has cycled since the shrimp are gone? Is it possible that I just missed testing during the level peaks? I noticed a red hairy crab on some of the LR and it is still alive...that has to be a good sign, right???