Cycled Already?


New Member
I have had my tank up and running for about 2 weeks now and according to the test kit I have 0 am, 0 nitrites, almost 0 nitrates. I have 2 damsels, a clown, and a scooter blenny in the tank. 18# lr and some aragolive substrate. I have added a dose of the product "CYCLE" to speed things up. Its a 29 gal. with a skilter 400. Is it possible I have cycled already? I am not complaining but I just thought it would take longer. The fish look healthier than they did from the lfs and algae seems to be growing on the lr. Please let me know if I might be a little to presumptuous (probably spelled that wrong). And yall have any suggestions on another fish to add to the tank. I would like a lionfish or trigger but I think I will wait till I upgrade to a 100 gal or so(lot of "I"s in that sentence).
Right now there is a percula clown, blue velvet damsel, blue devil damsel, and a scooter blenny. Any suggestions would be great....
P.S. Sorry to be so long winded!!!!
It sounds like it already cycled, mine went really fast as well. I might be careful after awhile with your fish and the scooter blenny. It might work, but he might have a bit of a time trying not to get picked on. But I do have a question for you. When I had my maderian and scooter bleeny, my blenny was usually good sized. Now I have noticed that he isn't eating as well, or isn't getting enough (other fish steal his food and he won't eat his shrimp pellet sinkers anymore) Do you have any suggestions on how to get him eating well again?? Thanks, ~~Megan


New Member
As far as I have seen the scooter blenny its all the time feeding on algae. He occasionally eats some brine shrimp that makes it down to the bottom. I feed them flake but he doesnt care to much for it. I think he is doing alright just off the algae cause he is bigger than when I purchased him.
Looks healthier too. If you know of somthing else I should add to his diet let me know.
P.S. Isn't kewl how they cover themselves of to their eyes when they sleep!!!


New Member
errrr... I meant isn't it kewl how they cover themselves up with substrate up to their eyes when they sleep. whoops must of had a slight zone out when typing.