Cycled...Now what fish?


Active Member
K so i just finished cycling for about a month and all my levels are right where they are supposed to be and i have 10 lbs of LR in a 30 gallon high tank(im in college dont make fun of the size). Not putting corals in it.....or anytihng like that.....i have a GE salt water bulb , power head, hang on back filter that is quite powerful and heater.....temp is 78....
now for the fishies......
what should i get?

soo high

i would put
(2)Percula Clown
(1) jawfish
(1)Yellow Watchman Goby
(1)Chocolate Chip Star
(1)Rainbow Urchin
and these are on this site
thats what i would put in


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoO High
i would put
(2)Percula Clown
(1) jawfish
(1)Yellow Watchman Goby
(1)Chocolate Chip Star
(1)Rainbow Urchin
and these are on this site
thats what i would put in
I would do just that, except I wouldnt get an anemone, they kind of require a bit of light. If you get the yellow watchman goby get a pistol shrimp, so they can have a neat little symbiotic relationship together. Urchins are neat. You could also get some clown gobies. Also, a Royal Gramma would be cool.


Active Member
Before making suggestions as to what you should put in your tank, we really need to know the tank size at least. I would definitely not get an anemone (like SoO High suggested) because they need good lighting and it doesn't sound like you have that. Chocolate chip star is OK if you go fish only, but they eat lots of critters so make sure they are compatible with what you want.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hagfish
Before making suggestions as to what you should put in your tank, we really need to know the tank size at least....
He said its a 30 gallon high tank with 10lbs of liverock. Read it again

soo high

well if he does have good light goo for a anemone........i have 360watt pc on my tank now and i think its good for anemone but i haven put any in yet...

soo high

Originally Posted by Cartman101
wait at least 6 months before getting a anemonea. They require excellent water quality
i agree putting in a anemonea now is like killing it be4 it has a chance to split, wait a couple of months and see how your fish is doing and then pop one of those bad boy in.. :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoO High
i agree putting in a anemonea now is like killing it be4 it has a chance to split, wait a couple of months and see how your fish is doing and then pop one of those bad boy in.. :jumping:
If he's not putting "corals or anything like that" in it, then I'd say the anemone is not a good choice.
I'd want to know what substrate you are using before suggesting a starfish or gobies, jawfish, etc.
Do you have any particular fish or invert you are interested in? If so, tell us.. it maybe that you need to design the aquarium around your specific desire.


Active Member
hmm just maybe something with a little bit of size...more than 3 inches long, and is pretty.....which all salt waters are, but still.....i like triggers....tangs(but my tank isnt established yet).....something along those lines, even if i dont have alot of other critters in there with it. i have CC, but i put that in b4 i was on this site and im not gonna switch it out now, but ill keep it in mind for my next tank when im older. what you suggest? :notsure:


30g High tank is what... 24"-30" long? (im thinking 29G for some reason) Tangs, Triggers, Butterfly's and most other exotic's would be much happier in a tank with more lateral swim room (more like 4' to 6'). Either way a 30 is going to be just too small for those fish.
I have two friends who live in dorms and one has a 29 like yours. It really is a nice tank. He has a six-lined wrasse...which imo is a great looking fish with lots of color and personality. He also has a Yellow watchman goby which gives rize to some entertaining and colorful antics in the tank.
Take it slow and welcome to the boards.



Active Member
Originally Posted by oneradtek
hmm just maybe something with a little bit of size...more than 3 inches long, and is pretty.....which all salt waters are, but still.....i like triggers....tangs(but my tank isnt established yet).....something along those lines, even if i dont have alot of other critters in there with it. i have CC, but i put that in b4 i was on this site and im not gonna switch it out now, but ill keep it in mind for my next tank when im older. what you suggest? :notsure:
Those are wonderful fish, but your tank is too small for those fish. Don't forget to siphon those CC when you do your water change. more then 3 inches is a lot to ask for in a small tank like yours. Maybe just a clown, green chromis, couple other small fish, and a couple inverts. Can't have goby cause of your substrate, they need fine sand. Maybe have those type of fish down the road when you get a bigger sized tank. Just my thought....Good Luck!!! :happyfish