cycled QT?


i first had to deal with ammonia in my uncycled QT, but now it seems my ammonia is not a problem but my nitrites are. Is it possible that the tank cycled with my puffer in the tank, since ammonia has dropped. I do more than 50% water changes everyother day to lower nitrite levels. when i get high nitrite levels the ammonia starts to rise again, has my tnk cycled already? I dont think so do you?


You are in the middle of tank cycle. Not sure why your puffer is in there but I wouldn't have any fish in a tank that hasn't been cycled yet. Once your nitrites are 0 then your tank has cycled.


i have a fish in myt QT cuz he had ich the next day i bought him, so i had to put up an emergency QT, so far i havce battling the tank from cycling. it seems the puffer would be able to go through the cycle cuz hes lived through high nitrites but then i would do a water change and drop the nitrite levels back down...