Cycles what to do what not to


I am officially lost, I am new to all of this and i thought i did a decent job of researching stuff before i bought my first tank. Well on monday i started with 72gal bowfront 70lbs live rock and live sand to start my cycle for 2-3 weeks. Now, i have never heard of putting dead shrimp in or fish or anything until reading some of these posts. So do i put some of that stuff in there or just let it run with the live rock and sand ?


No if you have live rock, and Ls, things are going to die off (natural and good at first) and break down to produce amonia.. (the 1st step in the nitrogen cycle) after that it is then broken down to nitrite (2nd step) and after that it breaks down to nitrate, which can build up, or if things are set up correctly will be released as a gas. So you are fine, let your things be, you can add a small fish or two, ( now i dont mean to use him solely for cycling, but since you have LS, he will be able to survive) and wait for all of your levels to be zero.. and boom your done!


ok im a little thick headed... Do i understand you as saying if i leave it how it is i should be fine in a few weeks...


Yes, with the LR and LS you added, this will cycle your tank. :D But as I said you can add a fish or two to help everything along, or just wait until everything cycles completly and add whatever you like.


Active Member
Just totally don't touch your tank for 3 to 4 weeks and your tank will cycle nicely. You did a great job so far with all that rock and sand.


remember, you gotta test your tank, test it now to see if it is only at the amonia stage, or starting into nitrite, then test in 2 weeks and see if everything is at 0


well then i have another request... What brand or what kind of Test Kit should one buy. I havent bought one yet thinking i didnt need to test it for a few weeks yet. Any recommendations?


Active Member
The master saltwater test kit by AquariumPharmaceuticals works fine. It comes with a pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate test for saltwater and will run you about $20.