Cycling a new tank


New Member
Hi, I'm experienced with freshwater but this is my first jump into marine. I have a 65 gallon hex that I would like to make a reef tank for my classroom. I've been doing my homework and this board has been great but I do have a question...
I've bought 67 lbs of LR and 30 lbs of LS (on top of reg sand), and put all of it into my tank. I've got the protein skimmer going. But what I want to know is, after the tank has cycled, will there be debris/die off that I'm going to have to remove from the tank somehow? Or does it all just magically disappear?
Oh, and while I'm at it, when it's time, should I start with corals or the little critters first? (crabs, snails)
Thanks everybody,


Active Member
Is the LR uncured? If so, did you scrub it first? If you didn't you will need to so you can remove all of the gunk. I would start with snails and crabs and let things stabilize before adding corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jenma
Hi, I'm in Corvallis!
A hex is a tall tank, no? Usually the equation would be 1 lb of LS per gallon, but with a hex it may be a bit deep..Around 2 and 1/2 or 3" is a good bed.
Do you have the tank in the classroom? And are hoping to have it ready for next week? What a great opportunity!
How long has the tank been up?


Originally Posted by jenma
Hi, I'm experienced with freshwater but this is my first jump into marine. I have a 65 gallon hex that I would like to make a reef tank for my classroom. I've been doing my homework and this board has been great but I do have a question...
I've bought 67 lbs of LR and 30 lbs of LS (on top of reg sand), and put all of it into my tank. I've got the protein skimmer going. But what I want to know is, after the tank has cycled, will there be debris/die off that I'm going to have to remove from the tank somehow? Or does it all just magically disappear?
Oh, and while I'm at it, when it's time, should I start with corals or the little critters first? (crabs, snails)
Thanks everybody,
As a new salt hobbiest you may not want to jump into corals yet. Once your tank is cycled (Ammonia and Nitrite are a steady zero) add your cleanup crew. That is the crabs and snails. Wait a week and keep testing. If all is good, start planning your stock. In a 65 hex you may want to consider smaller species. Even though you have 60 gallons, some species won't do as well in a hex as they would in a rectangular tank. Do you have room for a quarentine tank at the school? Or can you set one up at home. Alot of new people scoff at the qt tank, but it will save you alot of heartache and hassle in the long run if you qt your fish first.