Cycling a tank without using a damsel


I've read how to do this before on this forum, but I'm having a problem using the "quick" search link. Here's my question-I'm cycling a tank using some shrimp from my local grocery store-they are hanging in my tank inside of a mesh bag. It's been 24 hours, my ammonia is up-BUT my tanks stinks like dead fish. How long do I leave this shrimp bag hanging in my tank. Unfortunately I used to cycle my tanks with damsels
so this is a first for me using grocery store shrimp. Thanks


Active Member
The shrimp are just a food source for the bacteria just like the uneaten food and damsel waste product were. If they're stinking up your house you could go ahead and remove them and continue to "ghost feed" for a few days by feeding the tank as if there were fish in it. If you can tolerate the smell I would leave it as is until you see your tank leveling out. Either direction you choose, continue to monitor your levels and you should be good.


Thanks for the info Delta-should I run carbon through the filter after I take the shrimp out?? right now I'm just running a HOB filter with 2 sponges in it. It's a small tank. The water is also a bit cloudy right now. What about live rock, should I get some and add it to the tank now and use that to cycle it also??

kevin mcrae

I am currently cycling my tank too. Its been going for about 1 week. You will want to use live rock in your tank eventually so you may just want to get a piece or two and start cycling that way. Either way I'd still wait atleast 4 weeks before even thinking about adding a few fish.
You can also feed you tank with some marine fish food too.
Like they say for saltwater, you have to have patience. If you don't have patience you will learn to get some.


Active Member
How many are you using and how big of a tank? I have half a cocktail size shrimp hanging in my 50+ and I've never experienced a smell... I've heard of it, but never experienced it. I wonder if you have too much in there.
I use to prepare my tank for future critters by putting in the food equivalent to what they would consume in a day. But that's an awful lot of trash being thrown in the tank to become detritus. Detritus is the food of the Hair Algae Gods. I hang a table shrimp from some fishing line to just sort of dangle in the water column and ooze ammonia. I have one hanging right now. The tank was cycled a month ago but the critters aren't ready to go in there yet, so I have to continue feeding the tank until they are.
We are pretending like it's our pet shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sjk2840
Thanks for the info Delta-should I run carbon through the filter after I take the shrimp out?? right now I'm just running a HOB filter with 2 sponges in it. It's a small tank. The water is also a bit cloudy right now. What about live rock, should I get some and add it to the tank now and use that to cycle it also??
I wouldnt start running carbon until you start stocking your tank. Just let the bacteria get established and they in turn will put your levels in check. Right now all your really looking for is flow, so it sounds like your doing fine keeping the water moving with the HOB. I would def. add some power heads once you add LR and Livestock to prevent deadspots - the HOB wont be good as a stand alone at that point.
Most people cycle the tank with LR in it but when you do it I belive you need to keep your ammonia under a certain number in order to prevent massive die-off. All you have to do is perform water changes to keep the ammonia down. I dont remember what that magic number is exactly so someone help me out on this...


OOOps, the tank is a 20 gallon-I have about 6 cocktail shrimp in the bag-too many-I'm cycling this tank for my fish that are in my 10 gallon tank-they've outgrown their living quarters. I'm actually planning on having a 75 gallon built into my wall-things got put on hold, so now I've got to move my fish into a bit bigger of a tank-temporarily.The 10 gallon will become the QT for new fish. I went through 5 damsels when I set up my 10 gallon and didnt want to go that route again.
I will take out some of the shrimp and then just ghost feed for awhile. I do know that it takes a lot of patience to do things right in this hobby. the wait is worth it. Thanks