Cycling again! Why?


I started a 24 gallon AquaPod in late June. I've got 33 lbs of LR, 30 lbs of LS, and a skimmer. I cycled the tank using the dead shrimp method, and over the course of about 10 days, ammonia peaked, then nitrites, then nitrate. When everything was at zero, and had stayed at zero for a few days, I added 8 snails, followed by a fish and a shrimp a few days later.
For three weeks, water parameters have been: SG: 1.024; ammonia: 0; nitrities: 0; nitrate: 0.
I did a 20% water change on Saturday. Yesterday ammonia was .4, nitrities .25, and nitrates 0. I did a 20% water change yesterday and now have: ammonia: .4; nitrites: 0; nitraties: 0. What could cause this spike? All 8 snails and the shrimp are accounted for, so it can't be one of them decaying. Any ideas would be appreciated!


Active Member
Have you checked your source water? Municipal water works will use chloramines as a disinfect. They also use phosphate to prevent rust.
Also have you check your change water before adding it?


The issue probably is overfeeding, because the clownfish has refused to eat from day one. (Her symptoms suggested internal parasites, which I wasn't able to fix.) I've tried to suction/ scoop out the un-eaten food after feeding & when I did the water change, and the shrimp and nassarius snails have gobbled up most of it. I'm just suprised that after three weeks of no spikes, all of a sudden ammonia and nitrites went up.
The water I've been changing out has been RO-DI, and is testing 0 for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Our test kit doesn't have phosphates. I'm guessing the test kit is ok, because it did show all the changes I'd expect when we first cycled the tank with no living creatures.
The poor clownfish finally passed yesterday, and after removing her body last night, today the water is back to 0, 0, 0 for ammonia, nitrites, nitrate. So my question is, do I need to wait to add another fish, or if it stays 0 for a few days, am I good to go?


I know its hard to be patient, especially in this wonderous hobby. Your levels look fine now, but in a very touchy tank (low water volume) I'd wait it out till this upcoming weekend, and give your cleanup crew a week alone in the tank then slowly add the fish you want toward the end of august and into september. Im into week 3 on a 24 biocube with 30lbsLR+30lbs of LS and I had my cycle complete within 10 days. I do see mini PODS running around now at night, but i wont be adding any fish until mid-sept or even 1st week in OCT. I'll add snails in about another week.
hope something helps


Hello, I am new to this so, what is mini pods? and I have a problem with my water also, my ph was right, my nitrate was at 40 ppm , my ammonia was right , and my nitrite was right. I was told to do a 20% water change did that. My nitrate stayed at 0 for about 3 days them went up to 20ppm,then my ph was off. Pet store told me to put in a ph buffer, did that now my ph is up to 8.0, nitrate is at 10ppm, and now my ammonia is at .25. Help
nitartes are at a 10ppm