Cycling again?


Hi everyone
I just added another 25lbs of LR to my newly cycled 55 gal tank (That makes 50lbs of LR altogether. I bought the LR from the internet, this site infact. With the expected die off that occurs when buying LR on the internet, does the tank have to cycle all over again?


Yes, I'm new too but I've heard usually there is some die-off in transit, even if the rock is pre-cured. This will start a new cycle in the tank, hopefully you don't have any livestock in the tank? If so, big water changes, possibly Amquel to lessen the ammonia impact on the fish. If you have livestock in your tank, you would always want to re-cure LR until ammonia is zero before adding. Maybe some experts have more ideas if you already had livestock in your tank.... :notsure:


Thankfully, I don't. And as i've heard over and over again on this message board that patience is a vrtue. I can wait the new cycle out before adding livestock. Does the second cycle last as long?


I see more posts of people adding LR to tanks with livestock & trying to save their fish last minute!
Since you have already gone through the initial cycle, and there is minimal die-off from your new LR, you should be good to go in maybe a week or 2 would be my guess. Or you may have no ammonia readings from the start, which would be ideal. If it does cycle, you could always up your water changes a bit to speed the cycle along.. Good luck! I'm waiting on my first shipment of online LR, can't wait to see what it looks like! :joy:


If its from this site, the LR is pretty cool looking. Lots of colors. I'm just not sure whats "Live" about it anymore after the 2 day shipping. Are there any thoughts?


Maybe its just me but I've add 27 lbs. of LR after my tank had cycled, and it never started a new cycle my fish are just fine.


from all that i've read, buying from a LFS is much easier on the livestock because there is much less die off if any. The LR i've bought is from the internet and each time the ammonia spike was dramatic.


There is just so much die-off when the LR is shipping, especially if you don't get overnight shipping... No matter how much you clean it up, it will start a cycle if you put it in your tank without curing it again.. I've been thinking is it really worth it? You don't get as many critters, the LR was out of water, & probably the LR just isn't in as good of shape as you could get from the fish store locally. Here, I'm looking at 7-10$ a lb for LR vs 2-3$ online. I think next time I will just spend the extra money & get the LR locally. If your LR doesn't look too 'live', that stinks, but wait a few days & some critters might emerge...sounds like you got plenty of good coraline algae growth & colors.. that's great.


Now that I have a good % of LR to gallons of water, I can take my time and get great pieces of LR from my LFS, but it was just way too much money to puchase the initial poundage locally