cycling and algae question


New Member
couple of questions:
first off, i have a twenty gallon long tank with about 10 pounds of lr (ordering 20 more as we speak) and about 2 inches of ls in the bottom. my ammonia levels are negligible, as are my nitrite levels. i don't think i have actually hit my cyling period yet, and there is a decent amount of algae growing on parts of the lr and a piece of pvc i have in the tank for decoration. here's the question: can i put in some cleaner inverts with my new live rock when it arrives without spiking so much that the inverts die off? how do i clean up this algae while still in a pre-cycling state? help! :confused:
That rock will have dieoff and will most likely cause another cycle that is alot of rock to a small tank all at once. just be careful you dont want deaths. wait at least 4-6 weeks after adding the new rock. test your system every week and watch your levels. if amonia stays at zero and everything else stays at 0 then start adding but i am almost sure you will have another spike.