cycling complete is Bio load needed


Tank has cycled for approx 3 weeks started cycle with 50 lbs LR 40 lbs CC base rock then added additional 15-20 lbs 5 days in to cycle water parameters are now pH 8.0 (has fallen slightly) ammonia ) ppm nitrite 0 ppm and ammonia 0 ppm nitrate is 5 ppm. On the live rock several starfish apperead in the tank about a week ago along with a small colony of very small feather dusters I believe there are 6 in all on one rock 1/8 inch and appear to be functioning quite well. The LR has lost some of it color but i figure this is normal since i did not use lights first 2 weeks of cycle. My question is this now that the tank appears to have cycled do I need to add any additional bio load to the tank in the form of fish or crabs or something else to keep the bacteria that just grew alive and growing . My understanding behind the whole cycle thing was that you had to have some die of and then your spikes and then your declines in water parametrs to show that this bacteria has began to grow in your tank. I am really only concerned because tank cycled quicker than expected and I am going on vacation for a week next week and dont want to have bacteria die on me and have to recycle tank I hope this makes sense to someone because I am cofused as heck.


If you are going away for a week, I would say just wait until you get back, just in case it isn't completly cycled, although it does seem it has finished it. No point in wasting any creatures. I would say if you really want to get something, I would get some kind of cleanup crew-snails, hermits are a good starting point.
You did all the right things so far, and you do have a good understanding thus far. You may think you're confused, but i think ya got it!


yeah...if you're leaving id wait too. When you get back though you can add a little fish food to the tank for about a week for some added ammonia and then check your levels again to make sure your nitrogen cycle is actually cycling. Unless you have already done this. I have a 60gal with 2 inch live sand and about 50lbs LR and while adding fish food, my tank cycled very quickly as well. All of the added bacteria from the beginning gives it a good starting point.


Would someone please give me some sort of guide or list of what the parameters of the water testing process? i.e. P.H. should be around 8.....amonia..... and how often should you check for them?


Yikes it can be so graceful yet so fast after reading some related posts I went back t omy LFS and told him my situation This is a store that ONLY does SW fish and has helped me from the get go I told himI had arefugium coming and he suggested rock for the refugium and nothing till I get back other than a small cleaner crew I now have feather dusters all over the place as well as 4 blue leg hermits I didnt buy about 10 snails 8 starfish and one huge scarlet hermit tht I thought was part of a rock WOW talk about live rock


wait...slow down...did you buy 8 starfish? And all of those feather dusters? Your LFS is doing you a disservice in a big way if you bought 8 starfish! Please write back and clarify....thanks!



Originally posted by dad&son
...On the live rock several starfish apperead in the tank about a week ago along with a small colony of very small feather dusters...

...he suggested rock for the refugium and nothing till I get back other than a small cleaner crew I now have feather dusters all over the place as well as 4 blue leg hermits I didnt buy about 10 snails 8 starfish and one huge scarlet hermit tht I thought was part of a rock WOW talk about live rock
He said he didn't buy
all this stuff.


ok, my bad, i read it too fast, now i got it. The sentances all ran together and I must have misread the details.