Cycling help!

Hello everyone. I have been trying to get my cycle started for my tank. I put a piece of raw uncooked shrimp in there maybe 4 or 5 days ago and my ammonia has not gone past 0.25 is this normal? I thought there would be a spike in it. not sure if I am doing something wrong or not but if anyone has any advice please let me know. thanks


Mine didn't do anything for about a week after I put the shrimp in then all of a sudden it went WAY up. Don't get discouraged. :thinking:


Active Member
My Ammonia never got above .50 when I cycled my tank. If you are using fully cured LR from an LFS you will not have near the ammonia spike that you would with say uncured LR that was shipped.


yeah the cycle depends on how much bacteria is already in the tank. basically what a cycle is a growth time for bacteria and if there is already a lot in there it will not increase as much as you would expect and it will reduce the cycle time.
ok so if it does not go above .25 would that be ok as long as it goes back down to 0? or would I have to do something to get it higher?


Active Member
Yeah you can take it out. But here is the catch. Ya know how when you go hunting and shoot your first deer you have to take a bite of the heart?
Well in the world of salt, when you cycle your first tank you have to eat the raw shrimp you started your cycle with!!! J/K :joy: Good Luck ~Wade